
Where Is the Voice of the Meneber Selama Kesate Birehan Aksum-Tigray Orthodox Church?

Mekelle፡ 19 September 2024 (Tigray Herald)
By Yerga Yaecobe

Where Is the Voice of the Meneber Selama Kesate Birehan Aksum-Tigray Orthodox Church?
The people of Tigray, who are deeply rooted in the spiritual teachings of the Tigray Orthodox Church and who have looked to the Meneber Selama Kesate Birehan Aksum as the highest religious institution for centuries, are now wondering: where is your voice? Where are the bishops, priests, and deacons, both inside Tigray and in the diaspora, when the very faith they lead has been betrayed by silence during the most horrific tragedy in Tigray’s history—the genocide that has torn apart our people?

The Silence of the Clergy in the Face of Genocide Denial
Why has the leadership of the Tigray Orthodox Church, including bishops in Europe, North America, Australia, and beyond, remained silent in the face of genocide denial by Debretsion Gebremichael and his splinter group? Why have they failed to speak out on behalf of the Tigrayan people, whose suffering they have been called to minister to?

This silence from the clergy is not only a betrayal of their spiritual duties but also a grave failure of moral leadership. Isn’t this silence the worst betrayal ever in human rights history? How can religious leaders, whose responsibility is to be the voice of the oppressed and the marginalized, remain quiet while a leader who failed the people of Tigray continues to deny the atrocities committed against them? This silence is more than complicity—it is an abandonment of their role as spiritual guides, truth-bearers, and defenders of justice.

The Forgotten Massacres: Where Is the Church’s Voice?
Have the clergy forgotten the massacre of the monks at Waldba Monastery? Waldba, a sanctuary of ancient faith, was desecrated, its monks slaughtered. Where was the condemnation from the Church?

Have they forgotten the massacre of over 1,500 innocent civilians in Aksum? Aksum, the spiritual heart of Tigray and home to the Ark of the Covenant, was soaked in the blood of its people. Why has this not provoked an outcry from the Church?

Have they forgotten the massacre at Mariam Dengelat? A house of worship turned into a battlefield, yet the bishops remained quiet.

Do they remember the massacre at Debre Abay Monastery? Another holy site desecrated, another silence from those who are meant to protect the sacred.

Have they forgotten the destruction of Debre Damo Monastery? One of the oldest monasteries in the Christian world, reduced to ruins, and still, no words from the Church leadership.

Have they forgotten the hundreds of thousands of priests and deacons slaughtered during the Tigray genocide? These were men of faith, men of the cloth, whose lives were dedicated to God and their people. Why has their martyrdom gone unacknowledged by the very institution they served?

Silence Is a Crime
Do the bishops and clergy not realize that silence is a crime? When a leader denies genocide, and those who are meant to be the moral compass of society stay quiet, they become complicit in that denial. The Tigray Orthodox Church, as the spiritual home of 98% of the Tigrayan population, cannot afford to be silent. Do the religious leaders of Tigray not understand the heavy burden of this responsibility? The people of Tigray, both at home and in the diaspora, are waiting—eagerly, desperately—for the Church to take a stand.

The silence of the Church leadership in the face of the Tigray genocide and its denial is the worst betrayal of faith and humanity. Tigrayans, regardless of their political opinions, are united in their pain and their demand for justice. The absence of the Church’s voice is an abandonment of the faithful at the most critical time in their history.

The Betrayal of Moral Leadership
Are the clergy siding with the failed political leadership of Debretsion Gebremichael’s splinter group? Are they aligning themselves with a leader whose failures led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Tigrayans, rather than with the people who need their support? Or are they truly with the people of Tigray? These are not political questions—they are moral and spiritual imperatives.

By remaining silent, the Church risks betraying its sacred duty to stand for truth and justice. The teachings of Christ compel the clergy to speak out against injustice, to stand with the oppressed, and to defend the dignity of every human life. How can they remain silent when the blood of their flock cries out for justice?

A Call to Action
Where are you, Meneber Selama Kesate Birehan Aksum? The people of Tigray are calling. They are waiting. They are wondering if you have forgotten your divine calling to lead them, especially in these dark times.

When will you condemn the genocide denial by Debretsion Gebremichael? When will you stand with your people, the people who have looked to you for centuries as their spiritual and moral compass?

Your silence is a wound that deepens the pain of genocide. Do you not realize that your silence is being seen as complicity? The people of Tigray need to hear from you, and they need to hear from you now.

A Pressing Urgency
As you read this, the pain of the people grows. The spiritual betrayal of silence is felt in every corner of Tigray, from the churches to the homes of the survivors, to the diaspora communities across the world. The silence of the Church is no longer just a spiritual failure—it is a betrayal of the very essence of faith.

The people of Tigray expect a strong press statement from the leadership of the Meneber Selama Kesate Birehan Aksum, denouncing the genocide denial and the political betrayal of Debretsion Gebremichael. This is not a request—it is an urgent call to action. To continue to remain silent is to be on the wrong side of history, on the wrong side of justice, and on the wrong side of faith.

Where is your voice, Meneber Selama Kesate Birehan Aksum? The people are waiting, and they cannot wait any longer.

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