TPLF’s Faction Declares War Against the People of Tigray and the Interim Government

Narobi,Pretoria,London,Mekelle,March 8፡2025 (Tigray Herald)

Urgent Security Alert: TPLF’s Faction Declares War Against the People of Tigray and the Interim Government

Source: Horn of Africa Geopolitical Review
Confidential Intelligence Report—Verified by Diplomatic and Security Sources

The Horn of Africa Geopolitical Review has obtained exclusive intelligence confirming that an illegal and highly secretive meeting was held today in Mekelle, orchestrated by the failed Debretsion Gebremichael-led TPLF splinter group and its military collaborators. The meeting,led by the hardline warmonger General Yohannes Woldegiorgis, brought together TPLF’s most extreme ideological supporters, senior military officers, and militia leaders.

Key Findings from the Illegal Meeting

  1. Declaration of War Against the People of Tigray and the Interim Government
    The meeting concluded with a dangerous resolution to launch a direct confrontation against the Tigray Interim Government and the broader civilian population, particularly targeting the youth-led Tigrayan movement advocating for a new political order.

This declaration is a blatant violation of the Pretoria Peace Agreement (PPA), exposing the faction’s intent to destabilize Tigray for their own failed political agenda.

  1. Collaboration with the Eritrean Genocidal Regime

Disturbing intelligence confirms that TPLF hardliners are collaborating with the Eritrean regime,led by Isaias Afwerki, to sabotage peace, instigate chaos, and undermine Tigray’s recovery efforts.
Their alliance with Eritrea’s brutal dictatorship marks an unprecedented betrayal of the Tigrayan people, aligning with forces responsible for genocide against Tigray.

  1. Military Leaders Behind the Plot
    The meeting was attended by high-ranking TPLF-aligned generals and militia commanders who have played key roles in past internal sabotage, including:
    General Yohannes Woldegiorgis (chief orchestrator)
    General Tadesse Worede
    General Megebe Haile
    General Fisseha Kidanu
    General Mahsho Beyene
    General Haileselassie Girmay
    General Berhane Negash

These individuals have actively undermined Tigray’s security, engaging in corruption, resource
looting, and now a new covert war against the legitimate government of Tigray.

  1. Expulsion of Media & Efforts to Keep the Meeting Secret Independent media and journalists were deliberately expelled from the meeting to prevent exposure of their anti-peace agenda.

However, our undercover intelligence sources have confirmed the full extent of their declaration of war against the people of Tigray.

Urgent Call to Action: International Community Must Intervene

This development is a severe threat to peace and security in Tigray, Ethiopia, and the wider
Horn of Africa. Immediate action is required from:

  1. Pretoria Peace Agreement Guarantors
    United States Department of State
    European Union,United Kingdom,African Union

All Western diplomatic missions in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa We urge these entities to: Condemn the illegal actions of the Debretsion Gebremichael-led TPLF faction and its military collaborators.

Impose targeted diplomatic and legal actions against these rogue military leaders orchestrating
war. Take decisive measures to safeguard the Pretoria Peace Agreement and ensure its full

  1. Global Tigrayan Community
    We call upon all Tigrayans worldwide to:
    Publicly condemn this reckless and irresponsible move by the failed TPLF faction.
    Stand firmly against any attempt to reignite war and destruction in Tigray.
    Support the Tigray Interim Government in its mission to restore peace, stability, and

Geopolitical and Security Risks: Western Interests in Danger If left unchecked, this TPLF-led internal insurgency will have severe consequences beyond Tigray:

Destabilization of the entire Horn of Africa, creating a power vacuum that extremist groups could
exploit. Geopolitical risks for Western strategic interests, particularly as the U.S. and EU work to counter Chinese and Russian influence in the region.

Potential humanitarian catastrophe, derailing international post-genocide recovery efforts in Tigray.

Final Warning: This Threat Must Not Be Ignored This is a defining moment for Tigray’s future. The international community, regional actors, and Tigrayan people must act immediately to prevent a catastrophic descent into another cycle of war and suffering.

Failure to act now will have irreversible consequences.

Issued by:
Horn of Africa Geopolitical Review

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