Unabated National Treason Must Stop!

MekelleTeklaviv,Nairobi,Pretoria,London,March 13፡2025 (Tigray Herald)

Unabated National Treason Must Stop!

The People of Tigray Should No Longer Be Exposed to Further Survival Threats by Irresponsibly Liquidating Their Hard-Built Security Forces

By Office of TPLF

The Tigray Defense Forces (TDF) were established by the people of Tigray as a last resort to survive the genocidal onslaught imposed by the Ethiopian Government and its allies. The TDF has been at the forefront of Tigray’s defense, making unparalleled sacrifices and writing a golden history. Words cannot accurately capture the price the TDF has paid to save Tigray. The steadfastness of Tigray’s survival campaign and the heroic sacrifices of the TDF created the environment for the signing of the CoHA. Tigray’s national interest cannot be met by sidelining the TDF, which is the guardian of peace, survival, and security for the people of Tigray.

Similar to ongoing attempts to dismantle the TPLF through coordinated acts of sabotage, a persistent effort has been waged against the TDF to deprive it of basic necessities and undermine its confidence in its noble cause. A futile attempt to instill hopelessness in the TDF by failing to restore normalcy to Tigray has been the modus operandi of the treasonous group in Tigray and its sponsors. Despite all odds, the TDF has demonstrated resilience by prioritizing the national interests of the Tigray people and insisting that political problems be peacefully resolved within the framework of constitutionalism and the CoHA, strengthening unity.

The TDF has faced multiple acts of defamation and efforts to disconnect it from the people it defends. Despite these conspiracies, the TDF has shown utmost patience, holding on to the last words of its fallen comrades and seeing the bigger picture of peace.

Defamation, smear campaigns, and sabotaging media works targeting TDF leaders have aimed to stop actions that restore constitutional order in Tigray. Some top leaders of the Tigray Interim Administration (TIA) have abandoned their responsibilities, serving dangerous external interests and compromising Tigray’s interests. The TDF’s leadership cannot be dislodged based on individual whims. It is a force created out of necessity to resist Tigray’s existential threats. No one, including the president of the TIA, has the mandate to steer the TDF as they please. The CoHA does not recognize an interim president for Tigray with the mandate to serve as commander-in-chief of armed forces. The letters of suspension and dismissal issued by the TIA head targeting the TDF leadership are ultra vires and should be rejected. Accountability must be established. Such moves increase Tigray’s vulnerabilities in the absence of proper implementation of the CoHA.

What is happening in Tigray is an ordinary act of maintaining law and order in a few local governments subjected to dictatorial whims. This measure strengthens the path for positive peace, Tigray’s constitutional system, and security. It safeguards democratic principles and Tigray’s vital interests. The TPLF and the TDF are key enablers of the CoHA and the TIA. However, the group committing treason on Tigray’s key interests is trying to establish a narrative that something uncontrollable is emerging in Tigray, calling for external intervention.

To handle Tigray’s problems, the wishes of the overwhelming majority of the people of Tigray and its institutions should be respected. The TDF and its leadership have never stood in the way of peace. They have gone the extra mile to see the CoHA implemented despite poor performance from their peace partner. The demands of the people of Tigray, the TPLF, and the TDF are for a better-performing TIA, constitutionalism, and preparations for an elected government in Tigray. Calling for external intervention by the group of traitors endangers the security and survival of Tigrayans, betraying Tigray’s vital interests and going against the CoHA.

In conclusion, we call upon the government of Ethiopia and the international community to work for the full implementation of the CoHA and contribute towards sustainable peace and rehabilitation. The TPLF believes it is incumbent upon the people of Tigray to ensure constitutional order, establish accountability, and achieve peace.

Eternal Glory to Our Martyrs!
12 March 2025

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