The Corrupt Legacy of Maj. Gen. Berhane Negash Beyene: Nepotism,Embezzlement,and Betrayal of Tigray

Mekelle, February 24፡, 2025 (Tigray Herald)

The Corrupt Legacy of Maj. Gen. Berhane Negash Beyene: Nepotism,Embezzlement,and Betrayal of Tigray

Introduction: A Criminal in Uniform
Maj. Gen. Berhane Negash Beyene stands as a prime example of the deep-rooted corruption, favoritism, and criminal activities within the failed Debretsion Gebremichael-led TPLF splinter group. His ascension to power was not based on merit, military expertise, or academic professionalism but rather through cronyism, nepotism, and association with the infamous Sebhat Nega criminal circle and Meles Zenawi’s corrupt network.

This investigative report, conducted by the Tigray Genocide Hunters in collaboration with
leading human rights advocacy organizations, exposes Berhane Negash’s criminal involvement in embezzlement, theft, and unethical leadership, which has severely undermined Tigray’s political, military, and economic recovery efforts.

Background: A Career Built on Favoritism and Corruption

Maj. Gen. Berhane Negash was never a competent or professional military leader. Lacking formal military training and academic qualifications, he secured his high-ranking position within TPLF’s military commissariat through special-interest favoritism and nepotism. His loyalty to TPLF’s most corrupt elite allowed him to ascend to positions of influence, despite his clear incompetence.
His close associations included:

Serving as Head of the Military Guard at Meles Zenawi’s Palace, a position granted due to favoritism rather than professional merit.
Leading the Ethiopian Federal Army Housing Foundation, where he oversaw multi-billion-ethiopian currency Birr embezzlement schemes, exploiting government resources and construction projects for personal gain.

Direct involvement in illegal financial transactions and mismanagement of funds meant for military and infrastructure projects.
Theft and Embezzlement: Looting Tigrayan Resources During and after the Tigray resistance, Maj. Gen. Berhane Negash was instrumental in large-scale financial corruption, robbing Tigray of much-needed resources. Some of the most damning accusations include:

  1. Embezzlement of Tigrayan Diaspora Funds Millions of dollars raised by the Tigrayan diaspora for humanitarian aid and resistance efforts
    were siphoned off by Berhane Negash and his inner circle. No transparency or formal auditing was conducted regarding the use of these funds, raising
    serious concerns about fraud and misallocation.
  2. Sudanese Money Laundering Scandal
    During the Tigray resistance, over a million dollars intended for logistics and military support disappeared under Negash’s watch, with evidence suggesting financial transactions in Sudan linked to his personal accounts.
  3. Food Aid Theft and Metal Scraps Exploitation At a time when Tigray was facing famine due to the genocidal blockade, Berhane Negash was
    involved in the misappropriation of food aid, reselling humanitarian supplies for profit.
    He played a significant role in the illegal sale of metal scraps and war remnants in post-genocide Tigray, benefiting financially while the region struggled with economic devastation.
  4. Illegal Gold Mining and Land Grabbing
    Working alongside ghost criminal enterprises, Negash facilitated and profited from illegal gold mining operations in Tigray, depriving local communities of resources and further destabilizing the region’s economy.
    He orchestrated widespread land grabbing in Mekelle, illegally seizing valuable property under the pretext of ‘military development projects.’
    A Disgraceful Attempt to Rewrite History
    Despite his criminal past and failures, Maj. Gen. Berhane Negash is now attempting to whitewash his legacy by lecturing on TPLF’s so-called “50-Year Tyrannical Anniversary.” His
    efforts are not only delusional but outright insulting to the people of Tigray, who suffered due to his greed and incompetence.
  5. His attempt to criticize the internationally recognized Tigrayan diaspora advocacy groups is a
    desperate effort to discredit those who played a significant role in exposing the genocide against
    Tigray. Unlike Negash, these individuals have worked tirelessly to bring justice and political recognition to the struggle of the Tigrayan people.
    Conclusion: A Criminal Who Must Be Held Accountable Maj. Gen. Berhane Negash Beyene embodies the worst aspects of the failed TPLF splinter
    faction—a network of unethical, corrupt, and incompetent individuals who have prioritized
    personal gain over the survival and dignity of Tigray. His actions have not only contributed to the
    suffering of Tigrayans but have also weakened the region’s prospects for recovery and justice.
    The Tigray Genocide Hunters and other human rights organizations demand immediate accountability for Berhane Negash’s crimes. His financial records, illegal transactions, and
    abuses of power must be fully investigated, and appropriate legal action must be taken.

  6. Tigray must no longer be a haven for unqualified, corrupt individuals who have enriched themselves at the expense of its people. The fight for justice must expose and dismantle the legacy of favoritism, cronyism, and betrayal that figures like Berhane Negash represent. Justice for Tigray is non-negotiable!

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