Mekelle, February 23፡, 2025 (Tigray Herald)
Upholding Constitutional Integrity and Peaceful Coexistence in Ethiopia
We, the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), the Freedom and Equality Party (FEP),
the Union for Democracy and Freedom Party (UDFP), and the Western Somali Democratic
Party (WSDP), in consultation with Somali elders, elites, and civil society, strongly oppose the recent statements and actions of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) regarding their intentions to reclaim territories, including
Diredawa and Moyale.
These territories are integral parts of the Somali Regional State. Such claims are not only unfounded but also in direct violation of the Ethiopian Federal Constitution and the principles of peaceful coexistence among Ethiopia’s diverse ethnic groups.
The Ethiopian Federal Constitution clearly delineates the boundaries of regional states and guarantees the rights of each ethnic group to administer its own affairs within its defined territory. Diredawa and Moyale are constitutionally recognized as part of the Somali
Regional State. Any attempt to alter these boundaries undermines the constitutional
framework that holds our nations together.
The claims made by the OLF and OFC disregard the historical and legal context of these regions. Diredawa and Moyale have long been inhabited by Somali communities, and their inclusion in the Somali Regional State reflects their demographic and cultural realities.
The Ethiopian government has consistently upheld these boundaries in accordance with the constitution and international norms. It is important to note that Diredawa is historically
recognized as the first constitutional capital of the Somali Region.
Furthermore, territories bordering Oromia such as Ma’iso, Babili, Gursum, and others have been subject to annexation from the Somali Region through an illegal referendum. Military forces were used to coerce people into voting for Oromia, and the commission overseeing the referendum lacked impartiality. Equal rights protections were not preserved.
Therefore, we call upon the federal government to arrange a new referendum to allow the people in these areas to freely and peacefully exercise their right to choose the region they wish to belong to.
The rhetoric and actions of the OLF and OFC risk inflaming ethnic tensions and destabilizing the region. Ethiopia is a mosaic of cultures and ethnicities, and any attempt to redraw boundaries based on ethnic claims threatens the fragile balance achieved through years of dialogue and compromise.
We call upon the Ethiopian government, the international community, and all peace-loving
Ethiopians to reject these divisive claims and uphold the principles of the Ethiopian Federal
Constitution. We urge the OLF and OFC to cease their efforts to reclaim territories that are not rightfully theirs and to engage in constructive dialogue to address any grievances within the framework of the law.
Let us work together to preserve peace.