Who is Sebhat Nega the God Father of TPLF?

Mekelle, February 14, 2025 (Tigray Herald)

Who is Sebhat Nega the God Father of TPLF?

Written by Tigrai Liberty’s editorial

We Tegaru respect old age and represent wisdom. Thus, we Tegaru stand in utter difference in front of our elders, who are willing to help, honor, and even love them. But then, when one comes across an individual like Sebhat Nega, an octogenarian who has lost his moral compass and knows not where he is trotting, one is left with a genuinely taxing dilemma.

It is both surrealistic and infuriating to hear the blabbering of a degenerate mind that seems to have lost all senses as to where he is residing when making such a treasonous remark.

How is it possible for anyone to respect an individual who is the personification of evil, corrupt beyond measure, and immoral to his bones? An individual who is arrogant and who uses gutter language? What is tragic and alarming is that the old man, who is way past his prime, does not even grasp the enormity of the crime.

It is disgusting, to say the least, to hear this decomposing old man from over-drinking and womanizing, peppering his TPLF manifesto, making the absurd accusation of General Tsadkan as a CIA agent. Such statements confirm the mercenary nature of the current “TPLF” and its leaders.

I wonder if we are governed by treasonous people who use patriotic Tegaru as cannon fodder to conduct their twisted and destructive political agenda. Maybe this incident tells us how far we have failed as Tegaru by trusting despicable, brutal traitors as our leaders.

The clock is ticking to eliminate a treasonous mercenary leadership currently running Tigrai to the ground by making one of them blubber out his role in the scheme to destroy Tigrai.

Sebhat Nega’s statements during his interview once and for all confirmed or established the unvarnished truth that the TPLF and its leaders are the impeccable enemies of Tigrai.

We are writing this with great remorse for having at any time in our past supported such a diabolical and anti-Tigrai group of third-rate thinkers and treasonous mercenaries.

They have misled so many well-intentioned patriotic Tegaru coming just after the brutal government of Mengistu was overthrown. Our pain and suffering and our hope for the future of Ethiopia blinded us from seeing the monsters that came into our bosom dressed and camouflaged as liberators.

This is also a call to all Tegaru, particularly supporters with residual sympathy for the TPLF leaders, to reject the TPLF and its leadership in toto, specifically Sebhat Nega and his foot soldiers.

Now, we all have a clear picture of both TPLF and Sebhat Nega; therefore, there can be no excuse to support or sympathize with such mercenaries any longer.

For the last twenty-five years, Tigrai’s wealth had been looted, illegally transferred to private ownership of sham corporate structures, and fully controlled by TPLF leaders such as Sebhat Nega and a close circle of loyalists.

The economic monopoly created corruption, lack of accountability, and corruption of the leadership of TPLF, of which party Sebhat Nega was, for years, the leading representative and executive of EFFORT and controlled mega millions in such investments.

In their cardinal violation of trust and the trust of the Tegaru people, they have enlisted many corrupt individuals, among whom are the most dubious and chronic enemies of Tigrai. We do not include in this brief Editorial the numerous murders committed by the Leaders of the TPLF in the guise of the liberation movement and national security.

Sebhat Nega boasted about how successful the TPLF has been in becoming, through EFFORT, the leading investor and owner of mega-corporations and partnerships in all investment areas in Ethiopia.

He also asserted that it is on behalf of the people of Tigrai that the fabulous wealth is being held in trust by the Leaders of the TPLF. It can be easily verified that except for a few corporations, almost ninety percent of the industries, manufacturers, distributors, et cetera under the control of the Leaders of the TPLF are not by Tigrai people.

It is common knowledge that the streets of Addis Ababa are full of beggars, often whole families, from Tigrai. If there was actual economic development, why would people be begging on the streets of Addis Ababa or elsewhere? At any rate, it is anathema and anti-people for a nation struggling to feed itself to have some form of exclusive wealth held in trust to benefit one particular elite.

It defies the idea and principle of national Sovereignty to have such a structure. It is a challenge to the cohesion and harmony sought within a diverse community.

This is a call to fight fire with fire and to stand for Tigrai. This is a call to all brave sons of Tigrai who are duped into believing that they are serving Tigrai to wake up and see the new reality that they are being used by mercenaries who have no allegiance to Tigrai and its people.

Rebellion against such treasonous leaders is a noble act of heroism and patriotism.

All the people of Tigrai have one enemy right within the bosom of our beloved Mother country. It is pretty surprising to see to what extent the leaders of the TPLF, Sebhat Nega, and Debretsion leadership have harmed Tigrai.

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