
TPLF Faction Holds Rival Congress Amid Internal Strife and Escalating Tensions

Mekelle፡ 20 August 2024 (Tigray Herald)

By Mukrt Ismail

TPLF Faction Holds Rival Congress Amid Internal Strife and Escalating Tensions

The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) concluded its controversial congress assembly today, resulting in the re-election of Debretsion Gebremichael as chairman, a position he previously held. Amanuel Asefa was elected as the deputy chairman. Additionally, the assembly established both a central committee and an executive committee.

In a notable development, Getechew Reda, head of the interim administration, was ousted from his position as vice-chairman of the TPLF, along with 16 other members, due to their boycott of the congress. The Congress also declared the Tigray Interim Regional Administration (IRA), headed by Getachew Reda, to be illegitimate.

These ousting underscores significant fractures within the party, as a faction led by Reda convened a parallel TPLF conference yesterday, asserting its commitment to “saving the TPLF party and the Tigrinya people.” During this dissenting meeting, attendees declared the Debretsion Gebremichael-led assembly illegitimate, vowing not to recognize its outcomes.

Getechew Reda accused the opposing faction of colluding with foreign interests and inciting conflict. He warned that any ensuing problems resulting from this division would be their responsibility, heightening the atmosphere of confrontation between the two factions.

The current rift within the TPLF is alarming, presenting serious implications not only for the stability of the Tigray region but also for Ethiopia’s overall political landscape. Allegations of procedural impropriety during the congress have fueled an escalating division, reminiscent of past disunity that has historically had disastrous consequences for the region and its citizens.

Particularly concerning is the apparent prioritization of internal power struggles over the pressing humanitarian needs of a region still grappling with the aftermath of recent conflicts. The discontent voiced by the federal government and the National Electoral Board’s outright rejection of the congress further complicate the situation, raising the specter of renewed instability that could derail recovery efforts in Tigray and jeopardize the fragile peace throughout Ethiopia.

As tensions mount and accusations fly, it is imperative that TPLF leaders engage in genuine dialogue and reconciliation—both within their ranks and with the federal government. Such efforts are essential to avert further crises and to honor their obligation to the people of Tigray, who have endured significant hardship and deserve a path toward stability and peace.

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