
The Heroic and Formidable TDF – Sparta of AfricaPresented by the Centre for Defence Studies (CDS)

Mekelle፡ October 12፡2024 (Tigray Herald)

By Yerga Yaecobe

Critical Analysis: The Heroic and Formidable TDF – Sparta of Africa
Presented by the Centre for Defence Studies (CDS)
A World-Leading Centre for Defence, Security Research, and Strategic Studies
Introduction: The TDF as the “Sparta of Africa”
The Tigray Defense Forces (TDF), forged in the fires of genocide and war, have emerged as
one of the most remarkable and formidable military forces in contemporary global history.
Comprising a highly educated and youthful force, with 95% of its members under 30 years old,
the TDF has demonstrated an extraordinary capacity for military heroism and operational
excellence, often being compared to the fabled warriors of Sparta. These voluntary armed
forces rose in defense of their people against the genocidal onslaught initiated by the Ethiopian
state, Eritrean forces, and allied militias such as the notorious Fano militia.
What makes the TDF unique is not only their battlefield effectiveness but also their advanced
understanding of regional and international political and geopolitical dynamics. Despite the odds
being stacked against them, including a lack of proper military training and logistics
support—due largely to the failures of the Debretsion Gebremichael-led TPLF group—the TDF
quickly evolved into one of the most potent and formidable fighting forces in the world, proving
their mettle against multiple enemies simultaneously. This analysis delves into the internal
dynamics of the TDF, its global significance, and the disturbing developments that now threaten
to undermine its success.
I. The Emergence of the TDF: A Case Study in Military Heroism
The TDF was formed under extreme duress during the genocidal war launched against the
people of Tigray by the Ethiopian state and its allies in late 2020. From the outset, TDF forces
were deprived of critical supplies and logistical support, a direct consequence of political and
strategic failures by the TPLF leadership, which had been in power before the conflict.
Nevertheless, within a remarkably short period, the TDF managed to regroup, organize, and
launch a series of successful counteroffensives against better-equipped enemy forces.
What sets the TDF apart from many other rebel forces is the remarkable education level of its
members. The vast majority of TDF soldiers are highly educated and possess a sophisticated
awareness of geopolitical realities, making them not only warriors but also critical thinkers
capable of grasping the broader implications of their actions on both regional and global stages.
This combination of intellectual and military prowess has allowed the TDF to navigate the
complex web of alliances, enmities, and shifting geopolitical dynamics in the Horn of Africa.
II. The Betrayal Within: A Critical Threat to the TDF’s Integrity
While the TDF’s battlefield success is undeniable, confidential information emerging from Tigray
reveals a deeply troubling development. Some senior TDF generals have reportedly engaged in
a secret and unholy alliance with the very forces responsible for the Tigray genocide—the
Eritrean military, led by President Isaias Afwerki. This alliance is particularly alarming, as
Eritrea’s involvement in the Tigray war was marked by widespread atrocities against civilians,
including mass killings, sexual violence, and the destruction of cultural heritage.
This clandestine collaboration between certain TDF military leaders and the Eritrean regime
represents a profound betrayal of the Tigrayan people. Eritrea’s strategic objective, it appears, is
to use Tigray as a buffer zone against potential threats from the Ethiopian federal government.
By manipulating the TDF into serving as cannon fodder for its regional ambitions, Eritrea aims to
maintain its own political survival and military dominance in the Horn of Africa. Such actions are
in clear violation of international law, including the Pretoria Peace Agreement, an internationally
recognized accord that was brokered to end the conflict and restore peace in the region.
The complicity of some TDF leaders in this betrayal threatens to erode the credibility of the
entire institution. The TDF, which has earned the admiration of people worldwide for its
resilience and bravery, risks going from “hero to zero” if this treacherous alliance continues
unchecked. Such a breach of trust would not only undermine the TDF’s standing in the eyes of
the international community but would also have grave consequences for the future of Tigray
III. The Role of the Younger Generation in Preserving the TDF’s Integrity
The majority of TDF fighters, being under 30 years old, represent a new generation of leaders
and thinkers. This generation is marked by its deep sense of duty to the Tigrayan people and its
commitment to the cause of freedom and justice. It is unlikely that these young warriors will
tolerate the kind of betrayal currently being orchestrated by a handful of senior generals. Signs
of discontent and opposition are already visible within the ranks of the TDF, as more and more
soldiers become aware of the secret dealings with Eritrea and the genocidal Fano militia.
The leadership of the TDF must take urgent steps to address this internal unrest. Failure to do
so could result in a fracturing of the TDF, which would have catastrophic consequences for the
future of Tigray. The younger generation of fighters is the backbone of the TDF’s strength, and
their trust in the institution is essential for its continued effectiveness. If the leadership is seen as
compromised or beholden to external actors with genocidal intentions, the TDF could lose its
most valuable asset: its people.
IV. The Geopolitical Implications of the TDF’s Struggles
The TDF is not just a regional actor; it plays a crucial role in the broader geopolitical landscape
of the Horn of Africa. The Horn is a strategically vital region, positioned at the intersection of
global trade routes and serving as a key battleground for competing powers, including the
United States, China, and Middle Eastern actors. The TDF’s ability to remain independent and
impartial is therefore of great importance not only to the people of Tigray but to global security.Any erosion of the TDF’s credibility—due to political interference, betrayal, or alliances with
genocidal regimes—would have significant repercussions. It could destabilize the fragile peace
in the Horn of Africa, potentially reigniting conflict in Ethiopia and drawing in external powers.
Additionally, it would diminish the TDF’s standing as a credible force for justice and human
rights, undermining its ability to engage in effective military diplomacy on the global stage.
V. Learning from the IDF: A Model for Military Independence and Integrity
To avoid the pitfalls of political interference and internal betrayal, the TDF must look to
successful models of military organization, such as the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). The IDF
has long maintained its independence from party politics and has remained committed to the
security and survival of the Israeli state above all else. This institutional integrity has allowed the
IDF to operate with a clear sense of purpose and to remain resilient in the face of external
The TDF should emulate this model, ensuring that its leadership prioritizes the national interests
of Tigray above any personal or political agendas. By maintaining its impartiality and
independence, the TDF can preserve its credibility and continue to serve as a beacon of hope
for the people of Tigray.
Conclusion: The Stakes for TDF and Tigray’s Future
The TDF is at a critical juncture in its history. Having earned a reputation as one of the most
heroic and formidable armed forces in the world, it now faces the risk of internal betrayal that
could undo all its hard-won gains. The unholy alliance between some TDF generals and the
genocidal Eritrean regime must be exposed and dismantled before it causes irreparable harm to
Tigray and the Horn of Africa.
The younger generation of TDF soldiers, who have fought so valiantly for the survival of their
people, must take a stand against this betrayal and demand accountability from their leaders. If
the TDF is to continue as a force for good in the world, its leadership must remain independent,
impartial, and committed to the principles of justice and human rights.
The world is watching, and the stakes could not be higher.
Centre for Defence Studies (CDS)
World-Leading Centre for Defence, Security, and Geopolitical Research

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