
Ethio Telecom announced that it is conducting a feasibility study to engage in South Sudan’s telecom market

Ethio Telecom announced that it is conducting a feasibility study to engage in South Sudan’s telecom market.

Mekelle፡January 13,2023(Tigray Herald)
Ethio Telecom announced that it is conducting a feasibility study to identify the option of joining the telecom market in South Sudan.  According to the institute’s research, it will identify the best option to enter South Sudan as a service provider or as a telecom infrastructure provider.

In the 2015 fiscal year, Ethio Telecom started implementing a growth strategy called “Leader” that will guide it for the next three years.  One of the plans of this strategy is to “expand the telecom market” in which it operates.  The CEO of Ethio Telecom, Frehivat Tamru, regarding the institution’s six-month performance yesterday, Thursday, January 4;  2015 in their statement;  A question related to this issue was presented to them by journalists.

Frehewat, who was asked about the visit of the institute’s senior management team led by the CEO last December to South Sudan;  “Expanding our source of income, expanding the market we operate in is [a] matter of our strategy.  When we announced the strategy, we were informed that we will have such things,” he said.

According to Fruit Life;  One of the reasons for the visit of the leaders of the institution is that South Sudan is interested in connecting with the international telecom fiber line through Ethio Telecom.  The chief communication officer of the institution, Ato Mesai Wubshet, told “Ethiopia Insider” that South Sudan receives most of its telecom services using satellites from other countries.  As a result, the cost of telecom services in the country is high, he said.

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