
Critical Questions for Those Responsible for the St. Yared Statue in Aksum

Mekelle፡25 May 2024 (Tigray Herald)

By Yerga Yaecobe

Critical Questions for Those Responsible for the St. Yared Statue in Aksum

Motivation and Planning

What was the primary motivation behind the commissioning and erection of the St. Yared statue in Aksum?
Why was there an apparent lack of comprehensive planning and consultation in the execution of this project?
What was the intended message or symbolism behind the statue, and how does it align with the historical and cultural significance of St. Yared and Aksum?
Design and Execution

Who were the key designers and artists involved in creating the statue, and what were their qualifications and expertise in representing Tigrayan religious and historical figures?
Why does the statue fail to accurately represent St. Yared’s iconic image and the cultural pride of Aksum -Tigray?
Was there any artistic or historical input sought from Tigrayan historians, artists, and religious leaders during the design phase?
Consultation and Approval

Why were the leaders of St. Mary Zion Aksum Church and the Menebere Selama Kesate Birehan Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Tigray not consulted in this project?
Were there any consultations with Tigrayan religious intellectuals, hierarchies, and historians to ensure the historical and religious accuracy of the statue?
How was the decision-making process carried out? Was it an individual decision or a collective one, and who were the main decision-makers?
Transparency and Accountability

What measures were in place to ensure transparency and accountability in the planning and execution of the statue project?
How were public concerns addressed, and why were they seemingly ignored in the final execution?
Who is responsible for the final approval and erection of the statue, and what accountability mechanisms are in place to address the dissatisfaction and backlash from the community?
Historical and Cultural Context

Given that Aksum is the birthplace of one of the world’s oldest civilizations, with a rich history of intelligent and brilliant people, how did such a significant oversight occur in the representation of St. Yared?
What steps will be taken to rectify this mistake and ensure that future projects honor the true heritage and cultural significance of Tigray and its historical figures?
Impact and Future Measures

What is the anticipated impact of this statue on the local and global perception of Aksum and Tigray’s historical and cultural heritage?
What actions will be taken to ensure that future projects are conducted with the necessary cultural sensitivity and historical accuracy?
How will the concerns of the Tigrayan community, both locally and in the diaspora, be integrated into future cultural and historical initiatives?
The erection of the St. Yared statue in Aksum has raised significant concerns due to its poor representation and lack of alignment with the historical and cultural significance of the region. This situation highlights several critical issues:

Lack of Comprehensive Planning: The project appears to have been poorly planned, with insufficient input from qualified historians, artists, and religious leaders. This has led to a final product that fails to capture the essence of St. Yared and the rich heritage of Aksum.

Insufficient Consultation: The exclusion of key religious and cultural leaders from the decision-making process is a significant oversight. Their input would have been invaluable in ensuring that the statue accurately represents Tigrayan heritage.

Transparency and Accountability: The apparent lack of transparency and accountability in the project raises questions about the governance and oversight mechanisms in place. Addressing these issues is crucial for restoring public trust and ensuring the integrity of future initiatives.

Cultural Sensitivity: Aksum’s historical and cultural , religious  significance requires a high degree of sensitivity and accuracy in any representation. The failure to meet these standards in the St. Yared statue project is a disservice to the region’s rich legacy.

Immediate Review and Rectification: Conduct a thorough review of the statue project, involving key stakeholders from the Tigrayan community, to identify and rectify the issues with the current statue.

Inclusive Planning for Future Projects: Ensure that future cultural and historical projects include comprehensive consultation with religious leaders, historians, and community representatives to accurately reflect Tigrayan heritage.

Establish Clear Accountability Mechanisms: Develop and implement clear mechanisms for transparency and accountability in cultural projects, ensuring that all decisions are made with the input and oversight of relevant stakeholders.

Educational Initiatives: Promote educational initiatives to raise awareness about the historical and cultural significance of Aksum -Tigray and its figures, ensuring that the community and the wider world appreciate and respect its rich heritage.

By addressing these questions and recommendations, it is possible to honor the legacy of St. Yared and the rich cultural, religious heritage of Aksum, ensuring that future representations are accurate, respectful, and meaningful.

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