Mekelle, February 25፡2025 (Tigray Herald)
70 Enderta’s press release on Gross Human Rights Violations in Sahrti-Samre, Tigray Region by TPLF Army Generals
The Enderta International Development Association vehemently condemns the attack on the innocent people of Seharti-Samre by Army 26 in the strongest possible terms. We demand an expedited, transparent investigation and immediate accountability for executing and ordering this attack.
It is important to note that with the formation of the Tigray Interim Regional Administration (TIRA), the President of TIRA appointed zonal administrators, as stipulated in Article 4 of FDRE Council of Ministers Regulation No. 533/2023. The community of Seharti-Samre, Enderta, warmly welcomed the newly appointed officials, who are highly respected and serve as key cabinet members of the district. Stability prevailed until the TPLF party split into two factions: one led by Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael, who advocated for a party congress, and the other led by President Getachew Reda, who opposed and criticized for its lack of inclusivity, failure of accountability of millions of dollars raised by the Tigrayan diaspora, and the corrupt activities that occurred during and after the war on Tigray.
The Debretsion-led TPLF held its party congress despite a warning from the Ethiopian National Election Board to adhere to the board’s rules and procedures. Following this controversial congress, the Debretsion-led TPLF moved to appoint its own handpicked zonal administrators, directly violating the regulations governing the establishment of the Interim Administration and the terms outlined in the Pretoria Peace Agreement and undermining the people’s will.
The Seharti-Samre community strongly opposed these illegal and undemocratic actions by the Debretsion-led faction through peaceful public demonstrations, expressing their unwavering support for the Interim Government. In response, the Debretsion-led faction began to categorize the people of Enderta as enemies—an approach that the TPLF has used for the past 40 years to silence dissenting voices. Since then, paid activists affiliated with the faction have resorted to labeling the entire community with derogatory terms such as “aggregate” (ጃህያ) and “sand” (ሓሸዋ), the same tactics that were used to undermine and isolate the population for the last 40 years and more.
Following the decision by the Debretsion-led faction to overthrow the legally established interim government, this faction sought to use the Tigray Army generals as tools to seize control illegally by trying to dismantle the interim government, leading to divisions and infighting within the Tigray Army. In direct violation of the Tigray region’s federal and military rules and regulations, army leaders loyal to the Debretsion-Fetlework faction publicly declared the Debretsion-led TPLF as the legitimate administration in Tigray. They threatened the use of force against anyone who opposed it. This action has sparked widespread opposition and criticism from all Tigrayans and regional and international leaders. Following the reckless actions of a few army leaders, an alarming pattern of attacks has emerged, targeting the youth and members of the public who advocate for transformation and support the interim government. Recently, severe human rights violations committed by army generals have been widely reported in Tembien and Wukro. The recent attack on the Seharti-Samre community by Army 26 is, therefore, part of a more extensive campaign orchestrated by army leaders with family ties, self-interest, and loyalty to the Debretsion-led faction.
On the 50th anniversary of the TPLF, Debretsion Gebremichael called for implementing “action plans” in a press release directing the army to seize government offices, remove appointed leaders, and confiscate their seals and stamps. In response, Army 26, stationed in Samre Seharti, began intimidating woreda and kebele administrators, forcing them to vacate their positions and surrender seals and other office materials. In blatant violation of fundamental human rights, as well as regional and federal regulations, the army employed excessive force, including torture and physical violence, against civilians who vehemently opposed their actions. These individuals argued that removing publicly elected woreda and kebele administrators was illegal and contrary to the law.
Once again, the Enderta International Development Association strongly condemns the barbaric attack on the Seharti-Samre community by Army 26 and calls for the following actions:
An immediate suspension from duties and investigation by a neutral body into the perpetrators and swift legal action against all those responsible.
Army 26 and other military camps should be removed from Enderta Awraja and encamped in and around enemy lines, not in civilian administration cities, towns, and villages. Their presence and loyalty to the people they serve are highly contested due to their allegiance to a splinter group.
A call to the top leaders of the Tigray Security Forces and the few generals loyal to specific political factions within the TPLF to cease their actions. Failure to heed this public warning will result in them being held accountable for any consequences that may arise.
This is a call to all political parties, civil society organizations, human rights advocates, and the people of Tigray at large to condemn this injustice and dangerous act, which has the potential to create widespread division among Tigrayans and lead to further escalation of conflict violations.
A call to the people of Enderta, especially the youth, to stand united in defense of their rights, declaring ‘ENOUGH is ENOUGH’ to these barbaric actions and the corrupt, networked rule, and call the youth to make a stronger push for change toward democracy, good governance, and justice.
A call to international human rights defenders and organizations to condemn the barbaric act of some army groups affiliated with the so-called TPLF against the defenseless people of Saharti-Samre.