Ethiopia Must Hunt Down TPLFWarlords ASAP

Mekelle፡Teklaviv, Nairobi, Pretoria, London,March 15፡2025 (Tigray Herald)

Ethiopia Must Hunt Down TPLF
Warlords ASAP

By Abreha Belai

Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister Gedion Timotheos has warned TPLF warlords would face justice for the series of crimes they have committed in wanton disregard of the law of the land.

In a first-ever stern warning by a senior government official, Dr Gedion said TPLF ‘trrouble-makers’ were engaged in dismantling the interim administration, conspiring with external forces that are hostile to Ethiopia, derailed efforts for the return of IDPs, inciting violence to spark war, among other destructive engagements.

Long known as masked Eritrea-affiliated mercenaries that gleefully serve the interests of the despotic and brutal regime of Isaias Afwerki of Eritrea, TPLF warlords should be rounded up and face justice before they get a chance to plunge the country into war, death and destrucion.

As Foreign Minister Gedion pointed out, Ethiopia should no more make the mistake of treating the criminals on equal footing with those who have genuinely been striving for the full implementation of the Pretoria accord.

The people of Tigrai long deserve durable peace and stability along with the rest of their Ethiopian brethren. But for peace to prevail in Ethiopia or throughout the region, the federal government should immediately proceed to hunting down the crimi

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