Statement from the Cabinet of the Tigray Regional Interim Administration
It’s well known that over the past week, there was a meeting of senior army leaders described as having involved the participation of corps commanders and above. Following the conclusion of the meeting, they had issued a statement of position. In an extraordinary meeting held on January 24, 2025, the Cabinet of the Tigray Interim Administration, having discussed the aforementioned statement in detail, concluded its meeting by issuing various decisions.
- Given the fact that the statement issued in the name of senior commanders is partial towards one clique; risks the dissolution of the government as well as the army; abrogates the Pretoria Agreement; and contains fundamental mistakes, it must be rectified without delay and must not be implemented.
A. Since the statement dwells on a number of issues beyond the scope of the army’s core mission and goes directly counter to the army’s institutional procedures, it was examined in detail. Since the army has no authority to inject itself in the internal matters of a political party to oppose one side and support another, the Cabinet of the Tigray Interim Administration underscores the unacceptable nature of the discussion it held regarding the legitimacy of the side that held party congress and one that didn’t hold and the decisions it passed following that discussion. Furthermore, the decision it passed by acting as though it were in charge of dispensing formal recognition to political parties, and the granting and denial of power is unacceptable; will lead to the total breakdown of law and order in Tigray; risks leaving Tigray without a government; erodes our people’s unity; and jeopardizes the very existence of the army. What’s more, we have observed that, in a context in which the army as an institution doesn’t have a formal-legal organizational structure known as “corps leadership,” it simply doesn’t have the power to pass such decisions.
B. The decision it passed regarding district, as well as city and sub city councils are similarly outside of its institutional mission. While making adjustments to governance structures and issuing and nullifying laws is the prerogatives of a government, the decision issued to fulfill the interests of a particular group is unacceptable. The wider public and members of our security forces should realize that this decision prevents the government from fulfilling its functions, and seriously erodes the unity of our people and army as well.
- The stance regarding the restructuring of the government is an irresponsible decision that fatally undermines the Pretoria Agreement simply to quench a particular group’s unbridled thirst for power. Since the practical implication of this decision is that it will plunge the people of Tigray into another round of destructive conflict, the Cabinet of the Interim Administration cannot contemplate this unwise and irresponsible decision, much less embrace it. It has also issued directions for its immediate rectification.
- The decision to make all security forces accountable to a single central entity beyond being unconstitutional is bound to make Tigray’s problems go from bad to worse. While they can coordinate with each other during operations, the idea that all security institutions must be put under a single control is absolutely unacceptable. But the government will work on enabling the different security organs to work smoothly in coordination with each other while maintaining their professional independence as well as their legal responsibilities.
- Since decisions made in this manner contain fundamental errors, the Cabinet of the Interim Administration has made it clear that they will not be implemented. The Cabinet has also decided that the feverish attempt to implement these decisions on the ground as well any decision to punish senior army commanders who took a principled stand against these erroneous decisions are unacceptable.
Esteemed People of Tigray :
The Cabinet of the Tigray Interim Administration realizes that the decision issued in the name of senior army commanders has created incredible apprehension on your part. We are also aware of your fear about stumbling into another round of conflict as a result of the blunders of army leadership. While the situation is indeed scary and absolutely concerning, the Cabinet of the Interim Administration had, having taken into account your fears and aspirations, called an extraordinary meeting to hold a detailed discussion on those decisions, deciding against their implementation as well as any orders transmitted down the chain of command to be countermanded immediately. For your part, we call upon you to monitor all movements in your vicinity and rectify any missteps you encounter by standing on the side of your government. More importantly, we call upon you to oppose any move that can endanger the Pretoria Agreement and plunge us into another round of destructive war.
Esteemed Youth of Tigray:
We have come to realize that you are deeply apprehensive about the decision made by army leaders over the past week. We have also realized the incredible fear that this decision has created in your mind about the possibility of dashing your hope and aspirations for change. It is clear that the possibility of the people of Tigray being plunged into another round of war merely to satiate a particular group’s unlimited appetite for power has created deep concerns on your part. The Cabinet of the Interim Administration, having examined the decision made by certain army leaders in contravention of the army’s core mission, would like to reassure you that it has decided that those decisions will not be implemented. For your part, we call on you to work together with your people and the army to make sure that those erroneous decisions are not implemented. We also call on you to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Interim Administration to close all avenues leading to war.
Esteemed Tigray Security Forces:
It is clear that this past week’s unprincipled decisions have saddened you, and created deep concern that these decisions may possibly endanger your very existence. We understand that you are deeply concerned about the erosion of the peace you preserved through your heroism, the potential demise of the Interim Administration you established through your sacrifice and the eruption of another round of bloody conflict. Above all, we realize how deeply hurt you are about how your sacrifice was presented as though it were an instrument of a particular clique’s drive for power. Having taken into account your fears, anger and concerns, the Cabinet of the Interim Administration, having examined the statement in detail, has decided against its implementation. For your part, we call upon you to exert your maximum efforts to make sure that those decisions are not implemented.
Message to the Ethiopian Government
The statement issued over the past week in the name of senior army leaders is neither the army’s decision as an institution nor that of the Interim Administration. It must be recognized that while Tigray’s army, the Cabinet of the Interim Administration and the people of Tigray are determined to implement the Pretoria Agreement more productively; liberate our people who are under the brutal grip of various forces; return our displaced people to their homes; restore Tigray’s constitutionally recognized territories; and ensure accountability for various crimes, they have absolutely no interest in rejecting peaceful means and participating in another round of war. Having examined the statement issued by senior army leaders, the Cabinet of the Interim Administration has categorically rejected it. We call on the Federal Government to provide additional support towards the full implementation of the Pretoria Agreement.
To the International Community:
Peace is the overriding desire of the people of Tigray as well as the Interim Administration. That is why, despite the fact that there have been numerous problems in the implementation of the Pretoria Agreement, we have been working closely with the Ethiopian Government and the international community to address our questions through peaceful political avenues. However, at the moment, our people’s suffering has reached unbearable heights and the situation is fast getting out of our control. Accordingly, we call upon you to do everything in your power to alleviate our people’s sufferings by exerting your maximum possible efforts to fully implement outstanding provisions of the Pretoria Agreement that remain unfulfilled yet. We would also like to underscore that the statement issued in the name of senior army leaders over the past week doesn’t represent Tigray’s army or the Interim Administration. Furthermore, we call upon you to provide the necessary support towards the full implementation of the Pretoria Agreement and making sure that peace in Tigray is enduring.
The Cabinet of Tigray Interim Administration
January 25, 2025