
The government of Tigray will be restructured to utilize all the potentials of Tigray.

president of Tigray,Debretsion Gebremikael(D/r)

Mekelle  23rd January 2023 (Tigray Herald)
Speaking at the 6th session of the 5th regular session of the Tigray People’s Council, President Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael said the TPLF and non-TPLF forces will take the peace talks forward and help answer the overall aspirations of the people They asked the Tigray State Council to allow a reshuffle of the state structure in which they will participate in the Tigray struggle.

The stage we have entered requires the use of all capabilities but it is also complex in nature and requires careful and understanding management, he said.

Peace is still the strategic choice of the people and government of Tigray, he said.

He also reported on the actions being taken by the federal government under the peace talks and negotiations agreement The work done in electricity and telecom services is encouraging, he said.

Members of Tigray hous of People

He said that the invading forces are still committing serious human rights atrocities against the people of Tigray as they have not left Tigray according to the agreement They are there.

The 6th session of the 5th regular session of the Tigray Government Council continues in the afternoon.

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