
What will bring the meeting of federal government and the Intrim gov’t of Tigray in the absence of the African Union?

Mekelle:  9 February 2024 (Tigray Herald)

By Yerga Yaecobe

What will be the outcome of the meeting between the federal government and the Tigray government in the absence of the African Union supervisory commission?

It’s imperative to address the valid concerns surrounding the proposed large group meeting in Addis Ababa without the presence of independent monitors or observers, especially given the track record of manipulation and lawlessness associated with certain individuals. The recent parliamentary statements only serve to heighten these concerns, casting doubt on the sincerity of intentions.

If Abiy genuinely desires a peaceful resolution, he should have proactively implemented confidence-building measures in accordance with the Pretoria Agreement. These measures include advocating for the withdrawal of non-ENDF armed groups from Tigray, restoring constitutional order, and respecting the administrative boundaries of the Tigray Region. Additionally, ensuring the safe return of internally displaced persons to their homes and facilitating the restoration of their livelihoods are essential steps towards reconciliation.

However, the lack of tangible action on these fronts is alarming. The term “evaluation” seems to be a mere facade, disguising a strategy of stalling while unrest continues to escalate in Tigray cities. The distressing images emerging from the region only serve to reinforce the urgency of addressing these issues comprehensively and transparently.

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