
ANU Rejects Orommuma PP Decision to Seize and Colonize Raya and Welqauit (Geez lands)

Mekelle:  19 March 2024 (Tigray Herald)

ANU Rejects Orommuma PP Decision to Seize and Colonize Raya and Welqauit (Geez lands)

Both Raya and Welqait located in the northern part of Ethiopia, are legal and natural lands of Agaezi Nation (Geez community). It is extremely strange that Mr. Ahmed Ali, a brutal genocider, war criminal, colonizer and aggressor Orommuma PP president declared Welqait and Raya will not be administered by Amhara/Tigray (Agaezi nation community). This expansionist and aggressor Orommuma PP claimed that these two Geez lands will be under Orommuma PP control with no justification/legal base.
   Hence, we, the Global Supreme Leadership of Agaezi National Union (ANU) party condemns and strongly rejects this Orommuma PP decision to forcefully aggress Raya and Welqait (Geez lands) with objective of economic and territorial expansionism. We also urge every Geez community (Agaezi people) worldwide to stand united and fight such illegal and brutal aggression and illegal expansion of PP Orommuma towards the Northern region of Ethiopia (Abyssinia) by committing genocide in Tigray and Amhara regions of Ethiopia. This PP Orommuma must be held accountable for its crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide and forcefully expansionism towards the Geez lands.
In addition, the United Nation, USA, EU, African Union, IGAD and other concerned international community are requested to intervene and condemn this Orommuma PP illegal aggression that has no legitimacy to snatch these lands from the Agaezi (Tigray/Amhara) community.
For further information, please contact us via our address that follows.
Global Supreme Leadership of Agaezi National Union (ANU)

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