
Peace Minister Binalf Andualem said reaching consensus on major national issues is the only solution for the Ethiopia’s sustainable peace and development.

Mekelle:  2 May 2024 (Tigray Herald)

Peace Minister Binalf Andualem said reaching consensus on major national issues is the only solution for the Ethiopia’s sustainable peace and development.

The minister made the remark at a training given to members of House of People’s Representatives and Regional councils on nation building

Although a national consensus is critical for sustainable peace, the ways we followed to create national consensus did not follow the right direction, he noted, adding that this prevented the country from creating the national consensus desired.

According to him, it was not possible to create a lasting peace and national harmony in Ethiopia because of the political deadlock in the past.

The root of Ethiopia’s political and social breakdowns is focusing only on the previous bad or good stories, Binalf elaborated.

Even if Ethiopia has a long history of government formation and an early civilization, the main secret of countries that are better than Ethiopia in terms of universal development is that they have learned from their past and made their future better.

“While Ethiopia boasts a rich history and ancient civilization, the ability to draw lessons from history and apply them to contemporary challenges is essential for progress and development.”

This is what countries that have rapidly advanced in terms of universal development have often done by leveraging their historical experiences, both positive and negative, to inform their policies and strategies, the minister pointed out.

He stressed that there should be continuous dialogue and mutual understanding among the entire society of the country in order to ensure lasting peace and development in Ethiopia.

Exerting maximum effort to ensure consensus on key issues pertaining to national identity, national interest, and national values is crucial, according to Binalf.

This emphasis underscores the importance of uniting the populace around shared values and aspirations, which are essential for fostering social cohesion and driving collective progress.

The minister believes that Ethiopia can strengthen its foundation for sustainable development and prosperity by prioritizing consensus-building on these fundamental pillars of nationhood.

In this regard, legislative bodies play a crucial role in nation-building, primarily through the enactment of laws and policies that shape the social, economic, and political landscape of a nation.

Binalf underscored that the development and growth of a country are guaranteed through continuous progress, driven by leadership at all levels and the cooperation of the people.

The half-day training was organized by the Ministry of Peace.

Source: ENA

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