
A Strong Condemnation of Canadian Ambassador’s Support for Tigray Genocide

Mekelle: 15 May 2024 (Tigray Herald)

By Yerga Yaecobe

A Strong Condemnation of Canadian Ambassador’s Support for Tigray Genocide

Dear Ambassador Joshua Tabah,

It is with great dismay and profound concern that we, representing the Tigrayan community in the United Kingdom, address you regarding your alleged support and enabling of the ongoing genocide in Tigray, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

We are appalled by the reports indicating your involvement in facilitating and endorsing actions that directly contribute to the exploitation and exploration of Tigray’s natural resources, particularly its gold mining industry. Such actions, driven by personal interests and economic gains, blatantly disregard the fundamental principles of justice, human rights, and ethical conduct that Canadians hold dear.

The exploitation of Tigray’s resources amidst a humanitarian crisis and widespread human rights abuses is not only morally reprehensible but also constitutes a grave crime against humanity. Your purported involvement in this exploitation, under the guise of diplomatic duties, is a clear conflict of interest and a betrayal of the values that Canadians cherish.

The complicity in the Tigray genocide under the pretext of economic gain is utterly condemnable and demands immediate and unequivocal condemnation from the Canadian government. The atrocities committed against innocent civilians in Tigray, including but not limited to mass killings, sexual violence, and displacement, cannot be overlooked or justified under any circumstances.

Your eagerness towards the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) process, while turning a blind eye to the suffering of the Tigrayan people, reeks of political scandal and corruption. It is an affront to the principles of justice and accountability that must guide diplomatic efforts in conflict zones.

Therefore, on behalf of the Tigrayan community in the United Kingdom, we urge the Canadian government to take immediate action to investigate these allegations and hold accountable those responsible for enabling and supporting the Tigray genocide. We demand that you cease all actions that contribute to the exploitation of Tigray’s resources and instead prioritize efforts to address the humanitarian crisis and restore peace and stability in the region.

Yaecobe Yerega On  Behalf Of  The Tigrayan Community In The United Kingdom.

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