
Calls for immediate action to rescue Tigrayan refugees in Sudan.

Mekelle፡ 26 July 2024 (Tigray Herald)

Calls for immediate action to rescue Tigrayan refugees in Sudan.

It is learnt that the over all situation in Sudan remains fragile due to the intesifying conflict between Sudanese Armed Forces ( SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces( RSF ).

Recently, the conflict between the two warring parties advancing to eastern ward of Sudan where tense of thousands of Tigrayan refugees have been sheltering since 2020.

Unfortunatly, the ongoing fierce fighting near the camps of Tenedba and Um-Rakuba imposes imminent threat on the lives of Tigrayan refugees and obstructs access to humanitarian assistance.

So, Tigray Tribune calls on the signatories of the pretoria agreement to take immediate action to rescue Tigrayan refugees in Sudan.

We also urge the Ethiopian Federal government  and Tigray Interim Administration to take speedy measure to relocate Tigrayan refugees back home .

The international community must act decisively in line with international human right and humanitarian principles to save the lives of volunerable Tigrayan refugees in Sudan

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