
What are the recent developments in Tigray?

Mekelle፡ 14 August 2024 (Tigray Herald)

By Desta Gebremedhin

What are the recent developments in Tigray?

  • The #TPLF asked the National Election Board of Ethiopia to reinstate its legal status.
  • Instead, the Ethiopian election board responded by registering the TPLF under “special conditions,” stating that the party will be closely supervised for 2 years to ensure its activities are “legal.” The condition also stipulates that the TPLF should inform NEBE 21 days in advance when it wants to hold its general congress.
  • The party chairman, Debretsion Gebremichael, rejected NEBE’s decision to register the party anew under “special conditions,” arguing that the party’s legal status should be reinstated instead.
  • Despite warnings from the Federal government, the TPLF is set to begin its general congress this afternoon.
  • The Vice Chairman of the party and President of the Tigray Interim Administration, Getachew Reda, announced that he will not be participating in the congress, along with other members of the Central Committee, members of the party’s audit commission, and other members who were supposed to attend the assembly.
  • Military commanders in charge of Tigray security forces have pledged to remain neutral and not get involved in the internal affairs of the TPLF.
  • The NEBE has stated that it will not recognize the general congress and its decisions, citing their illegality.

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