
US Special Envoy Mike Hammer has meet with the vice president of Tigray intrim Admnistration General Tsadkan Gebretensaie.

Mekelle፡ 11 August 2024 (Tigray Herald)

US Special Envoy Mike Hammer has meet with the vice president of Tigray intrim Admnistration General Tsadkan Gebretensaie.

U.S. Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, Ambassador Mike Hammer, met with the Tigray Interim Regional Administration Vice President Tsadkan Gebretensae. They agreed on the vitality and urgency of fully implementing the Pretoria Cessation of Hostilities Agreement to achieve lasting peace in Tigray. The COHA proves that dialogue can lead to silencing the guns. All Ethiopians deserve to live in peace.

His visit to Addis, part of a multinational tour, focuses on reviewing the implementation of the Pretoria Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, following his previous visit in July 2024, when he attended the African Union’s second meeting on the agreement’s progress.

Ambassador Hammer is scheduled to stay until Saturday, September 13th. Notably, his itinerary does not include a visit to Mekelle, the capital of #Tigray.

Last Tuesday, the U.S. State Department reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to supporting both the Ethiopian government and the Tigray Interim Administration in their pursuit of lasting peace.

“The United States remains committed to supporting the Ethiopian government and the Tigray Interim Administration to achieve lasting peace.” Italy underscored.

Before arriving in Ethiopia, Ambassador Hammer visited #Kenya for discussions on regional and security issues with Kenyan officials.

The Federal Government of #Ethiopia and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (#TPLF) signed a Permanent Cessation of Hostilities Agreement in Pretoria in November 2022. Despite progress in the initial phase, key aspects of the agreement, including the return of millions of internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their homes, remain unresolved nearly 20 months into its signing.

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