
Debretsion’s group is now attempting to regain control of the same administration

Mekelle፡ 22 September 2024 (Tigray Herald)

By Getachew Temare

Debretsion GebreMichael not only denied the casualties of the genocide in Tigray, but he also refused to apologize for it. In a recent address to Mekele residents, he claimed the TPLF would reconsider its long-standing party program

At the same time, he complained that none of the agreements from the Pretoria cessation of hostilities had been implemented, shifting blame to the interim administration.

Instead of accepting responsibility, Debretsion accused the interim administration of fueling localism and division, while criticizing them for staying in power beyond the 6 to 12-month limit.

Ironically, Debretsion’s group is now attempting to regain control of the same administration they are criticizing for overstaying its mandate.

The real issue in the region is how Debretsion can still be considered a leader after so many failures—before the war in his federal role, during the conflict, and after the Pretoria agreement.

His leadership has failed repeatedly, and he should be nowhere near any position of power. The TPLF has resisted change for years, clinging to outdated ideas and policies.

Now, their only so-called ‘reform’ seems to be a desperate attempt to remain in power at all costs, a move that is both unsustainable and unacceptable.
Debretsion GebreMichael’s actions are a disgrace to the people of Tigray. His relentless pursuit of power drives not only reckless rhetoric but also a dangerous denial of the genocide and suffering his people have endured.

His refusal to acknowledge the amount of people killed in the genocide represents a profound betrayal—an assault on the truth and a deep stain on Tigray’s history and dignity. His stance undermines the lived experiences of countless victims.

Despite his explicit denial, his position does not hold authoritative weight. The genocide’s reality is not altered by his words; it remains a harrowing fact that must be acknowledged.

Debretsion is not just a failed leader; he’s a man who has squandered his opportunity to genuinely lead and support his people. His leadership has been marked by betrayal, deceit, and a disregard for the truth.

As is often the case, he will likely claim that his intentions were misrepresented by the media. However, his consistent pattern of behavior shows a troubling disregard for the genuine suffering of his people.

The people of Tigray deserve leaders who confront the truth and act with integrity. It’s time to demand accountability and ensure that the suffering of Tigrayans is recognized and addressed, not denied or diminished.

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