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The Arrogance of Ignorance: A Harsh Indictment of Colonel Tewlede Gebretensae’s Role in Tigray’s Crisis

Tigray Herald፡December 9,2024 (Mekele)

The Arrogance of Ignorance: A Harsh Indictment of Colonel Tewlede Gebretensae’s Role in Tigray’s Crisis

In Tigray’s arduous journey toward post-genocide recovery, certain individuals have emerged not as agents of progress but as impediments to healing and stability. Among these is Colonel Tewlede Gebretensae, a former Ethiopian EPRDF army officer with no discernible academic or professional credibility. Despite lacking scientific methodology or intellectual rigor, he has recently positioned himself as a self-styled “researcher,” disseminating distorted, misleading, and incoherent narratives. This report, prepared by the Tigray Media Watch Digital Intelligence Monitoring Group, critically examines Colonel Tewlede’s actions, his public controversies, and his complicity in crimes against the people of Tigray and the Tigray Interim Government (TIG).

Colonel Tewlede: A Disgraceful Boast
Colonel Tewlede’s self-promotion as an “army spy” and “researcher” is not only a sham but an affront to the intelligence and dignity of the Tigrayan people. His recent public theatrics—including dramatic, tear-filled outbursts—have been likened to a tragic parody, drawing unfavorable comparisons to “Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina.” Unlike Eva Perón, whose tears symbolized solidarity with her people, Tewlede’s tears betray guilt, manipulation, and a desperate attempt to deflect attention from his misdeeds.

The Core Allegations

  1. Human Trafficking and Contraband:
    Colonel Tewlede has been implicated as a key figure in human trafficking and contraband operations, exploiting Tigray’s vulnerable state for personal enrichment.
  2. Illegal Gold Mining Exploitation:
    Under his control in northwest and central Tigray, illegal gold mining operations have thrived. These activities—coordinated with his associate, the disgraced General Megebe Haile—constitute economic plunder and environmental degradation.
  3. Political Interference:
    Colonel Tewlede has systematically undermined the Tigray Interim Government, acting as a destabilizing agent for the failed TPLF splinter group led by Debretsion Gebremichael. His actions aim to obstruct reforms and hinder Tigray’s recovery.
  4. Dishonoring the TDF:
    While claiming to honor the Tigray Defense Forces (TDF), Tewlede’s actions tell a different story. His involvement in criminal enterprises and failure to support TDF veterans and victims of sexual violence dishonors the forces he professes to respect.

Challenging Questions for Colonel Tewlede

Human Trafficking and Contraband:

If you deny involvement in human trafficking and contraband, why have these activities escalated under your watch?

Illegal Gold Mining:

Why have illegal gold mining operations persisted in northwest and central Tigray under your jurisdiction?

Who benefits from these activities? Is it the people of Tigray or your corrupt network?

Cry for Justice or Guilt?:

For whom do you cry? Is it for the people of Tigray or to mask your culpability?

TDF Support:

If you honor the TDF, why have you neglected veterans’ needs, including access to medication, food, and healthcare?

Why have you failed to support the hundreds of thousands of sexual violence survivors in Tigray?

Academic and Professional Credibility:

What qualifications or credibility do you possess to present research? Where is the evidence of your methodology and scientific rigor?

Misleading Leadership:

Are you not the same individual who misled Debretsion Gebremichael with false military intelligence, contributing to Tigray’s pre-genocide failures?

Public Survey and Reaction
A recent survey conducted by Tigray Media Watch Digital Intelligence Monitoring Group reveals overwhelming rejection of Colonel Tewlede Gebretensae. An astounding 100% of respondents expressed outrage and disdain for his actions and public theatrics. This near-unanimous condemnation underscores the depth of his failure and the Tigrayan people’s demand for accountability.

A Strict and Clear Warning
Colonel Tewlede Gebretensae, your continued interference in Tigray’s recovery is intolerable. The Tigrayan people demand the following:

Immediate Resignation:

Step aside and allow capable younger generations to lead Tigray toward recovery and prosperity.

Cease Criminal Activities:

Halt all involvement in illegal gold mining, human trafficking, and contraband operations.

Accountability and Justice:

Submit to an independent investigation into your role in pre- and post-genocide crimes against the people of Tigray.

Support for Victims:

Redirect your resources and efforts toward supporting TDF veterans, survivors of sexual violence, and other genocide-affected individuals.

Conclusion: “The Arrogance of Ignorance”
Colonel Tewlede Gebretensae’s actions epitomize failed leadership: arrogance devoid of substance, power without purpose, and greed without shame. He has not only betrayed the people of Tigray but actively worked against their recovery. It is time for him and his accomplices, including General Megebe Haile, to face justice and relinquish their influence.

The people of Tigray deserve leaders who build, not exploit; heal, not harm; and uplift, not degrade. Enough is enough. Colonel Tewlede Gebretensae, your era of deception and destruction is over.

Prepared by:
Tigray Media Watch Digital Intelligence Monitoring Group

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