
Experts discuss the situation in Tigray

Mekelle፡ 7 June 2024 (Tigray Herald)

New Lines Institute,from left to right, Ali Ehsassi (Liberal MP), John Packer (University of Ottawa) and Makeda Leul (Security and Justice for Tigrayans Canada

Experts discuss the situation in Tigray

Representatives from the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies and the New Lines Institute hold a news conference in Ottawa to discuss the latter’s report on the situation in Tigray. The Genocidal war between #Ethiopian, #Eritrean, #Amhara and other regional forces against the regional #Tigray lasted two years and ended with a ceasefire agreement in November 2022. The conflict is estimated to have killed up to 300,000 civilians and over 400,000 soldiers. The New Lines Institute’s report concludes there is reason to believe that all sides in the conflict committed war crimes, and that Ethiopian and allied forces appear to have committed crimes against humanity and acts of #Genocide against Tigrayans. Despite the ceasefire, there are reports of continued atrocities in the Tigray region.

Taking part in the news conference are Azeem Ibrahim (New Lines Institute), Kyle Matthews (Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies), Annika Weiss (New Lines Institute), Ali Ehsassi (Liberal MP), John Packer (University of Ottawa) and Makeda Leul (Security and Justice for Tigrayans Canada).

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