
Urgent Condemnation and Call to Action Against Dedebit Media Charity

Mekelle፡ 30 September 2024 (Tigray Herald)

To The Australian Government
Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC)
Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)
The Australian Press Council
The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC)
Subject: Urgent Condemnation and Call to Action Against Dedebit Media Charity Limited and Manager, Haile Arefayne Shishaye for Incitement of Violence

Date: 29 September 2024

Dear Sir/Madam,

We, the Tigrayan Advocacy for Human Rights in the United Kingdom, write to express our unequivocal condemnation of the inflammatory and dangerous rhetoric promoted by Haile Arefayne Shishaye, the Editorial Manager of Dedebit Media Charity Limited, an entity registered under Australian law.

Context and Incident of Concern

Through Dedebit Media Charity Limited (ABN: 41661149506), located at 22 Parade St, Girards Hill NSW 2480, Australia, Mr. Shishaye recently referred to General Tsadkan Gebretensae—a highly respected figure in the Tigrayan resistance—as a “dangerous tick,” shockingly calling for his extermination using DDT, a toxic substance.

This appalling statement represents a direct incitement to violence and terrorism, violating both Australian law and international human rights principles. Such reckless language not only endangers General Tsadkan’s life but also undermines the values of peace, dignity, and democracy that Australia upholds.

Incitement to Violence Constitutes Terrorism

Under Australian law, particularly the Terrorism Act, incitement to violence qualifies as a form of terrorism. The suggestion of using DDT—a highly toxic chemical banned for its harmful effects—against an individual is reprehensible and presents a clear and present danger to human life. Exposure to DDT can cause severe health issues, including liver tumors and hypersensitivity reactions. Such incitements must be met with the utmost seriousness and urgency.

We therefore call on the Australian authorities to take immediate, decisive action against Dedebit Media Charity Limited and its Manager, Haile Arefayne Shishaye, for promoting violence and endangering lives through their media platform.

“We denounce violence. We reject incitement. We demand justice!”

Violation of Australian Charity Laws

Dedebit Media’s actions are a gross violation of the principles governing charitable organizations under Australian law. Charities are legally and morally obligated to promote the public good, fostering peace and cooperation, not spreading messages of hate and violence. Dedebit Media Charity Limited has grossly breached these principles, and we strongly urge the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) to immediately investigate this charity and revoke its charitable status.

“Enough is enough! No more hate speech, no more violence!”

Regulatory Action by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)

We appeal to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to take regulatory action against Dedebit Media. Under enhanced media regulations, ACMA has the authority to ensure that media platforms do not incite violence or propagate harmful misinformation. Dedebit Media’s dangerous rhetoric is a blatant abuse of media power, and we call on ACMA to act swiftly in holding this outlet accountable.

Urgent Investigation by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC)

We also urge the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) to initiate a thorough investigation into the activities of Dedebit Media Charity Limited and Haile Arefayne Shishaye. The incitement of violence and hate speech, particularly in the context of a post-genocide region, is tantamount to terrorism. Such actions must be fully investigated and prosecuted under Australian law to prevent further harm and escalation.

“Hate speech is terrorism. Incitement is a crime. Justice must prevail!”

A Call for Swift and Decisive Action

As advocates for human rights, we call on all relevant Australian authorities to act promptly in upholding the values of peace, justice, and law. Allowing Dedebit Media Charity Limited and its manager to operate unchecked risks fostering violence and civil unrest. This is not merely a violation of Australian law; it poses a broader threat to international peace and security.

We demand the following immediate actions:

The revocation of Dedebit Media Charity Limited’s charitable status by the ACNC for promoting violence and violating charity principles.
A full investigation and prosecution of Haile Arefayne Shishaye for incitement to violence and the promotion of hate speech under Australian law.
Stronger regulation and enforcement by ACMA to prevent media outlets from disseminating violent rhetoric.
An investigation by the ACIC into Dedebit Media’s potential links to extremism or terrorism.
A public condemnation by the Australian government, reaffirming its commitment to human rights and individual safety.
“Silence is complicity. We demand action!”

Australia has long been a global champion of human rights, democracy, and peace. We trust that the relevant authorities will act swiftly and decisively in addressing the dangerous rhetoric promoted by Dedebit Media Charity Limited. Together, we can ensure that hate and violence find no foothold in our societies.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this urgent matter.

Tigrayan Advocacy for Human Rights in the United Kingdom.

“No to violence! No to hate! Yes to peace and justice!”

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