
Denouncing the Illegal Activities of Rogue Generals and TPLF led by Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael

Mekelle፡ October 12፡2024 (Tigray Herald)

Denouncing the Illegal Activities of Rogue Generals and TPLF led by Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael

We, DTD, deeply appreciate the honorable service and sacrifices of the many dedicated members of the Tigray Defense Forces (TDF) who have steadfastly defended the genocide war against Tigray and its people. Their commitment and sacrifice have been invaluable. However, we unequivocally condemn the reckless and unlawful actions of a FEW rogue generals who are conspiring to destabilize Tigray and undermine the will of the people by trying to overthrow the interim government. Such actions are a betrayal of the values that the military is meant to uphold and threaten the peace and progress of our state.
While we appreciate the positive role TPLF played in Tigray politics in the last five decades, we can’t forget its anti-democratic activities such as stifling dissent, controlling media and economy, interfering in the judicial system and its strategic failure to lead Tigray during the genocidal war.
Post split of TPLF, instead of being helpful in the implementation of the Pretoria agreement, TPLF led by Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael is actively engaging in illegal activities to cause chaos and confusion which will have a very consequential outcome to the relative peace our people secured with their heavy sacrifice and the implementation of the Pretoria agreement. Such irresponsible activities are unacceptable, and we unequivocally condemn them and call on the leadership to stop them immediately.
We also support the decision taken by Tigray Interim Administration (TIA) to recognize the danger and take immediate action to stop such madness before it drives our people into a civil war.
We also urge the international community to put enough pressure on the spoilers of peace, particularly the federal government, Amhara regional government, rogue generals and TPLF led by Dr. Debretsion, to honor their commitment for peace and expedite the full implementation of the Pretoria agreement.
Eternal Peace and Honor to our Martyrs.​​

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