Does the people of Tigray take a lesson form the two years of devastating war?

Mekelle,Nairobi,Pretoria,London,March 12፡2025 (Tigray Herald)


By Akeza Awalom (Phd)

In the first eight months of the war in Tigray, from November 2020 to June 2021, a community-based study conducted in 4,381 households in 52 districts found that 6.9% of the civilian population about seven in a hundred suffered war-related physical injuries, mainly from gunshot wounds. This violence was largely perpetrated by non-Tigrayan forces, while Tigrayan forces focused on defending their communities against these attacks.

It is deeply disappointing to see some Tigrayan forces now turning their guns on their own community members, ostensibly in the name of “ensuring law and order” for a faction of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

The people of Tigray have suffered enough; it is important that this cycle of violence comes to an end. Tigray needs healing, not another wave of instability. We must prioritize peace and unity for the good of our community.

To military personnel: If you really care about your community, please refrain from serving a particular faction of the TPLF and stay out of this political conflict.

The two factions of the TPLF must settle their political differences in a manner that favours peace and reconciliation.

Tigray deserves peace, not conflict!

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