
Criminals Investigates it’s Crime

Mekelle፡ 6 March 2023(Tigray Herald)

Criminals Investigates it’s Crime!!!
There is no Peace, Justice or Accountability without Independent investigation.
We demand that the UN HREE
Mandated independent investigators to carry out their work says EU Ambassador Kobia.

Today, inaugural session of the Public consultations on Transitional Justice in Ethiopia.”

The Ethiopia & Eritrea are guilty of Tigray Genocide should be investigates by independent body.

Indescribable suffering continues in Tigray,too many skeletons in the closet to allow independent investigators uncover them.

120 known HIV patients in Kokob Tsibah, Ganta Afeshum who lack retroviral medications including several survivors of GBV, lactating mothers and elderly.” Said Refugees.

The devastation caused by the Eritrean occupation in Tigray. This village buried 34 dead in one day. Most families now living in destroyed houses or caves. All livestock and crops looted.

The fate of just one Tigrayan village occupied by Eritrean forces, revealed February 2023.This and not mentioned atrocities commited in Tigray demands independent investigation.

However, the Ethiopian government is preventing an independent body from investigating the horrible crime it committed against Tigray.  Therefore, the international community should recognize this and stand by the people of Tigray to get justice and compensation.

The crime of genocide committed against the people of Tigray by the government of Ethiopia and its allies, the government of Eritrea and the armed forces of the Amhara region, should be called by his name,Genocide.

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