
Serious abuses are ongoing in Ethiopia’s Tigray region.UN report.

Mekelleแก 23 September 2023(Tigray Herald)

Serious abuses are ongoing in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, according to a harrowing new UN report.

As the risk of further atrocities in Ethiopia grows, continued international scrutiny over the situation is essential.

Askal Barki is 80 years old and lives alone in Adi Giba village.

She suffers from malnutrition and no longer has the strength to beg for money or food in town.

Askal spends her days sleeping waiting for the death.

The joke of the day; Photojournalists who look down on people because they have a press card and that makes them demigods.

International commission of rights experts on Ethiopia put out devastating new report this week highlighting risks of ongoing atrocities & need for ongoing international investigations. Time for accountability.

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