
Remarks of H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat Chairperson of The African Union Commission at the Opening Ceremony of the High-Level African Counter-Terrorism Meeting in Abuja

Mekelle:  23 April 2024 (Tigray Herald)

Remarks of H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat Chairperson of The African Union Commission at the Opening Ceremony of the High-Level African Counter-Terrorism Meeting in Abuja

assuming a leading role in the fight against Terrorism, for which President Tebboune is the AU Champion and stress the need for immediate action.

I welcome the unwavering dedication of ECOWAS and its recent decisive action to accelerate the deployment of the ECOWAS Standby Force in areas impacted by Terrorism. This commitment demonstrates the recognition by the Organization of the urgent need for collective action in the face of this common threat. The deployment of a Standby Force will provide the much-needed support to communities affected by Terrorism and help to enhance Regional security.

As stated earlier, the fight against Terrorism requires a Strategic and collaborative approach. In this regard, initiatives such as the Nouakchott and Djibouti Processes are significant opportunities to enhance our effectiveness in this fight. By prioritising collaborative initiatives and supporting reconstruction, disengagement, reintegration, and reconciliation efforts, we can address the root causes of Terrorism and promote sustainable peace and security. Partnerships, such as the “SD3R” Initiative (Support for the Disengagement, Review, Reintegration, and Reconciliation) of Persons Formerly Associated with Non-State Armed Groups in North East Nigeria, underscore the importance of working together to promote peacebuilding and stability.

It is essential that we continue to support such Initiatives and Mechanisms to tackle Terrorism effectively.

To conclude, Excellencies, I want to extend the appreciation of the African Union
to the United Nations. Since the Joint UN–AU Framework for Enhanced Partnership in Peace and Security, signed in 2017, our cooperation has grown stronger. Be it in the Horn of Africa or the Sahel, we are jointly responding to Terrorism.

I want to express our full recognition to the EU and other partners for their significant assistance to our structures and programmes, geared towards strengthening peace and security in Africa.

The mobilisation of all the efforts should encourage us to amplify our fight against these ravaging phenomena.

The time to act is now.

The time for concrete actions is now.

The time for results is now

The time for speeches is over. Even if I just made one!

I thank you for your kind attention.

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