

Mekelle፡25 May 2024 (Tigray Herald)


By Koki Abesolome

Kenya has now become the regional anchor for the Horn. In June 2018, I wrote an open letter to the newly minted PM. It read in part:

“You have come to office as the US and Europe are witnessing major social transformations. Part of this is what has casted TPLF out of favor in Brussels and Washington. The Trump administration was far blunter in its dealings with TPLF than the Obama administration ever was.

The rapid globalization and the seemingly intractable terrorism problem have created urgency to a structural shift in international development policies.

Your government must actively position itself to showcase an aggressive market driven reform that can in a reasonably short time demonstrate Ethiopia can achieve what East Asian countries have achieved in a short period.

Europe and America are trumpeting your economic and political reform on their newspapers. Conservative newspapers who do not normally clamor to cover African stories are giving you coverage, some of them several times a week. This is not a mere editorial decision.

Their governments are behind the media blitz to show international support for your agenda. This is also an important step to increase funding to Ethiopia (should they choose to) during their budget appropriation process.

Ethiopia needs to do its part. It must position herself as a grand experiment to showcase an African success story.  The international community is readily and excitedly available for such a partnership. They want a success story to replicate across Africa. Positioning your administration to such a global play should be your priority. The international community and the Ethiopian people have vested interest in seeing this through.

As documented across the conservative news media, the US is against the World Bank funding countries such as China. The World Bank has vested interest in finding countries that will absorb loans that are freed from China. This puts pressure on it to lend more money to African countries.

Nigeria and Ethiopia are the two African countries that are most important to the World Bank, both in terms of the number of projects and the Bank’s loan portfolio. Ethiopia, of course, has advantage because it is regarded as an indispensable ally to the West in the war against terror.

Your administration should proactively leverage Ethiopia’s aggressive development agenda and position its strategic development framework at the nexus of the emerging global geopolitics and the ensuing international development policy.

The Narcissist idiot surrounded himself with the likes of Al Mariam and the idiotic Muaz. The people he appoints as Ethiopian Ambassador to the US are people with no experience in diplomacy.   In 2018-1920, the West was giving him aid to the tune of $20 billion.  He lost it all and now begs for $3 billion.

What could have been an Ethiopian vision is now a Kenyan Vision for Africa.

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