
Comprehensive Analysis of the TPLF Splinter Groups Led by Debretsion Gebremichael

Mekelle፡ 07 August 2024 (Tigray Herald)

By Yerga Yaecobe

Comprehensive Analysis of the TPLF Splinter Groups Led by Debretsion Gebremichael

The splinter groups within the TPLF (Tigray People’s Liberation Front), led by Debretsion Gebremichael, represent a critical failure in Tigray’s political and military leadership. These factions not only failed to protect Tigray during its darkest hour but also exacerbated its instability through voluntary surrenders, corruption, and betrayal of the very people they claimed to serve. Their actions have left Tigray vulnerable, weakened, and in dire need of a new path forward.

  1. Voluntary Surrender and Betrayal of Tigray’s National Resistance:
    The leadership of these splinter groups, primarily composed of politburo and central committee members, disgracefully surrendered at the height of Tigray’s national resistance against Ethiopian and Eritrean forces. In a moment when unity and resilience were paramount, their voluntary submission stands as a betrayal of the Tigrayan people.

These groups not only failed militarily but also ideologically. Their incompetence in diplomacy and warfare directly contributed to the genocidal atrocities committed against Tigray. By abandoning the cause for personal safety and power, they demonstrated a profound lack of courage and commitment to Tigray’s struggle for survival.

  1. Political Corruption, Nepotism, and Power Abuse:
    For decades, the Debretsion-led splinter groups exploited Tigray’s resources through rampant corruption and nepotism. Key institutions were controlled by a tight network of family and friends, placing personal gain over the public good. This system drained Tigray’s economic and human capital, preventing the region from developing strong governance and leadership capable of withstanding external threats.

Their obsession with personal wealth and control crippled the region’s progress. Governance in Tigray was reduced to a web of favoritism and self-interest, leaving the people disillusioned and institutions weakened by decades of neglect.

  1. Opposition to Reform and the Tigray Interim Government:
    Since the establishment of the Tigray Interim Government under President Getachew Reda, these splinter groups have actively obstructed much-needed reforms. Their opposition to the Pretoria Peace Agreement underscores their unwillingness to embrace peace, as they continue to cling to the status quo that serves their narrow interests.

By resisting the interim government’s efforts to restore peace and territorial integrity, they are sabotaging Tigray’s recovery. Their refusal to implement key provisions of the Pretoria Peace Agreement, such as the return of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and the restoration of Tigray’s territorial integrity, further highlights their indifference to Tigray’s future.

  1. Failure to Support the Transfer of Power to Younger Generations:
    A glaring shortcoming of these factions is their refusal to transfer power to Tigray’s younger generation. Despite the evident need for fresh vision and leadership, these splinter groups have tenaciously clung to power, blocking the rise of a new class of leaders who could introduce innovative governance and solutions for Tigray’s recovery.

Their resistance stems from a desire to maintain control and prevent exposure of their failures. Tigray’s future depends on young, dynamic leaders, yet these splinter groups stand as a barrier to progress, afraid that new leadership will dismantle their corrupt networks.

  1. Lack of Vision for Post-Genocide Recovery:
    The splinter groups have shown a total lack of coherent strategy for Tigray’s post-genocide recovery. As the region grapples with the horrors of genocide, these leaders have failed to offer meaningful policies or initiatives to rebuild the shattered economy, social fabric, or political system.

Their inability to grasp the rapidly shifting geopolitical dynamics of the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea regions leaves Tigray vulnerable and isolated on the global stage. Their diplomatic failures continue to stifle potential recovery efforts, leaving the region without allies or a clear path forward.

  1. Exploitation of Tigray’s National Resources:
    For years, these splinter groups have systematically exploited Tigray’s national resources for personal enrichment. This has weakened the region’s capacity to recover, leaving it underdeveloped and its people impoverished. The gap between the corrupt elites and the ordinary people has grown ever wider, eroding trust and deepening resentment.

The legacy of exploitation has left Tigray with high levels of poverty, inequality, and underdevelopment, creating obstacles that will take years, if not decades, to overcome.

Accountability and Responsibility:
The era of impunity must end. These leaders must be held accountable for their betrayal, corruption, and incompetence during a time of national crisis. Comprehensive investigations into their actions before, during, and after the genocidal war are essential to ensure justice for the people of Tigray.

Their opposition to the Pretoria Peace Agreement and the Tigray Interim Government reveals their desperation to avoid scrutiny, but the truth must come to light. Only through accountability can Tigray begin its path to healing and recovery.

Powerful Slogans to Highlight the Gravity of the Situation:
“Enough is Enough—Hold the Betrayers Accountable!”
“No More Debretsion! No More Corruption!”
“Reclaim Tigray’s Future—End Nepotism and Power Abuse!”

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