
Tigrayan Refugees Call for Implementation of Pretoria Agreement

Mekelle፡ 17 August 2024 (Tigray Herald)

Tigrayan Refugees Call for Implementation of Pretoria Agreement

Tigrayan refugees who fled to Sudan to escape the war in Tigray held a peaceful demonstration at the Tenedba refugee camp on Monday, calling for immediate action to improve their dire situation.

Since the outbreak of the conflict in Tigray in November 2020, over 70,000 Tigrayans have sought refuge in Sudan, with many residing in camps such as Tenedba and Um Rakuba. During the demonstration, refugees raised concerns over deteriorating health conditions, widespread malnutrition, and the increasing risk of death among camp residents, particularly children and the elderly.

The demonstrators urged the relevant authorities with in the Ethiopian government, including regional and international stakeholders, to fully implement the Pretoria peace agreement, which was signed in November 2022 to bring an end to the war. They emphasized that without swift action, their return to their homeland remains uncertain, prolonging their suffering.
Source,Tigray Television

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