
The Need for International Condemnation of Genocide Denial by the Failed Debretsion Gebremichael Splinter Group TPLF Leadership

The Need for International Condemnation of Genocide Denial by the Failed Debretsion Gebremichael Splinter Group TPLF Leadership

Genocide denial is one of the most heinous crimes in human history. It is an assault on the shared values of humanity and serves as a continuation of the violence and destruction inflicted on its victims. In the case of the Tigray genocide, over 1 million innocent Tigrayans have been savagely killed. The denial of this atrocity by the very leader who failed to prevent it, Debretsion Gebremichael, is a crime against humanity that must be condemned by all international human rights organizations and advocacy groups.

The international community, including the European Union, the United Kingdom, the International Criminal Court (ICC), the United Nations Human Rights Council, Amnesty International, and International Genocide Watch, must unite in their efforts to hold Debretsion Gebremichael accountable for his actions. The crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes committed under his leadership are a grave concern for the entire world, and his denial of these crimes only exacerbates the suffering of the victims and their families.

Genocide Denial as a Crime Against Humanity

Genocide denial is more than just a refusal to acknowledge the truth; it is an active perpetuation of the hate and violence that led to the atrocities in the first place. By denying the genocide, Debretsion Gebremichael not only disrespects the memory of the victims but also attempts to erase the historical record of the suffering of the Tigrayan people. This denial is a direct attack on the victims and survivors, and it fuels the continued marginalization of the Tigrayan community.

Debretsion Gebremichael’s failure to protect the people of Tigray from a genocidal war and his subsequent denial of these atrocities represent a gross violation of his responsibilities as a leader. The international community has long recognized the importance of holding leaders accountable for their actions during times of war, and Debretsion’s actions should be no exception. The denial of genocide is a crime that cannot be ignored, as it undermines the efforts of the global community to prevent future atrocities and ensure justice for the victims.

The Responsibility of International Human Rights Organizations

It is the duty of international human rights organizations to take immediate and decisive action against Debretsion Gebremichael’s genocide denial. This denial not only obstructs justice but also emboldens other perpetrators of mass atrocities to continue their crimes without fear of accountability. The evidence against Debretsion and his leadership is overwhelming, and it is time for the international community to take a firm stand.

The following organizations and bodies must act with urgency:

The International Criminal Court (ICC): The ICC must issue an immediate international arrest warrant for Debretsion Gebremichael for his role in the Tigray genocide and for denying the atrocities committed under his leadership. Genocide denial is a continuation of the crime itself, and the ICC has a responsibility to hold leaders accountable for their complicity in such heinous acts.

The European Union Human Rights Council: The EU must prioritize the case of Debretsion Gebremichael and ensure that his denial of the Tigray genocide is met with strong condemnation and legal action. The EU has consistently been a champion of human rights, and this is an opportunity for them to demonstrate their commitment to justice.

The United Kingdom and Genocide Prevention Organizations: The UK government, along with international genocide prevention organizations, must support efforts to bring Debretsion to justice. The UK’s involvement in global human rights issues is critical, and its support can help galvanize international efforts to hold Debretsion accountable.

Amnesty International and International Genocide Watch: These organizations must continue to document and expose the crimes committed during the Tigray genocide and work tirelessly to ensure that Debretsion Gebremichael’s denial of these crimes does not go unpunished. Their advocacy is essential in bringing attention to the ongoing suffering of the Tigrayan people and the need for international intervention.

Opening a Criminal Case: The Role of Universal Jurisdiction

The international community must explore all legal avenues to hold Debretsion Gebremichael accountable. One of the most effective mechanisms available is universal jurisdiction, which allows states to prosecute individuals for crimes such as genocide, regardless of where the crimes were committed. Given the severity of the atrocities committed in Tigray, and Debretsion’s role in both allowing and denying these crimes, it is imperative that a criminal case is opened against him.

Debretsion’s leadership has failed at every level: militarily, politically, and morally. His refusal to acknowledge the genocide not only disrespects the victims but also obstructs the path to justice. The international community must take immediate steps to ensure that he is brought to trial and held accountable for his actions. A strong international response to genocide denial is necessary to send a clear message that such crimes will not be tolerated.

Strict Warning and Appeal to All Tigrayan and Human Rights Organizations

This document serves as a strict warning and an urgent appeal to all Tigrayan organizations, diaspora communities, and international human rights bodies to denounce the outrageous and dangerous attempt by Debretsion Gebremichael to deny the Tigray genocide. His denial is a continuation of the atrocities committed against the Tigrayan people, and it must be met with unwavering condemnation and legal action.

We call on the International Criminal Court to issue arrest warrants for Debretsion Gebremichael and his leadership over their war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Tigray genocidal war, including their failure to protect the people of Tigray from devastation and genocide.

This is a matter of great urgency, and all organizations that advocate for justice and human rights must come together to hold Debretsion accountable for his crimes. The time for action is now, and the failure to act will only embolden future perpetrators of genocide and crimes against humanity.

Special Attention to the International Community

We call on the European Union Human Rights Council, the United Kingdom, the International Criminal Court, the United Nations Human Rights Council, Amnesty International, International Genocide Watch, and other international human rights bodies to take this issue seriously and act with urgency. The world cannot afford to allow leaders like Debretsion Gebremichael to deny the crimes they have committed and escape justice.

This is a pivotal moment in the fight for justice for the people of Tigray, and the international community must rise to the occasion. The failure to hold Debretsion accountable for his denial of genocide will set a dangerous precedent for future genocidal leaders. Now is the time to act decisively and bring justice to the millions of innocent Tigrayans who have suffered under his leadership.

The international community must make it clear that genocide denial will not be tolerated, and those responsible for such crimes will face justice. Debretsion Gebremichael must be arrested, tried, and held accountable for the Tigray genocide. This is not just a matter of justice for the Tigrayan people, but a matter of upholding the fundamental principles of humanity and ensuring that such atrocities are never allowed to happen again.

“”Prepared by Tigrayan adevocy groups for human rights in Europe.

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