
Failure to Anticipate and Act on Genocide Threats

Mekelle፡ October 17, 2024 (Tigray Herald)
By Yerga Yaecobe

The TPLF (Tigray People’s Liberation Front) leadership, under the failed chairmanship of Debretsion Gebremichael, has failed the people of Tigray in one of the most tragic and catastrophic ways imaginable. By not anticipating and adequately preparing for the genocidal war that was unleashed upon the people of Tigray, Debretsion and his political allies betrayed their sacred duty to protect their people. Despite credible and urgent warnings from experts such as Dr. Muauz Gidey Alemu, a distinguished peace and security researcher at the Tigray Institute of Policy Studies, they failed to take action. Dr. Muauz, with his extensive academic background in political science, peace, and security studies, had foreseen the looming threat of genocide and sounded the alarm repeatedly. His warnings were not merely theoretical but grounded in deep analysis of the rapidly deteriorating security situation and the hostile geopolitical forces aligning against Tigray.

Failure to Anticipate and Act on Genocide Threats
The TPLF leadership, particularly under Debretsion, displayed a staggering level of complacency and negligence in the face of mounting dangers. For months, warnings of an imminent genocide were coming from various quarters, including internal security assessments, international experts, and dedicated researchers like Dr. Muauz. His warnings were clear: the Ethiopian state, in collusion with foreign powers like Eritrea, was preparing for a full-scale onslaught against the people of Tigray. Despite these dire alerts, the TPLF leadership chose to ignore them, failing to take the necessary diplomatic, military, and strategic precautions to safeguard Tigray’s future.

Dr. Muauz’s early warnings could have been used as the foundation for a robust defense and diplomatic strategy that might have either prevented or at least minimized the horrific loss of life, displacement, and destruction that the people of Tigray endured. Instead, Debretsion’s leadership allowed itself to be paralyzed by internal political squabbles and outdated revolutionary rhetoric, failing to mobilize Tigray’s formidable resources—both at home and in the diaspora—when it mattered most.

Powerful Slogan: “Had They Listened, Genocide Could Have Been Prevented. The People of Tigray Deserved Better!”

Ignoring Early Warnings and Abandoning Responsibility
The TPLF leadership’s ignorance and inaction in the face of these threats is nothing short of betrayal. They were fully aware of the impending attack, yet they failed to prepare the people of Tigray for the onslaught. This is not simply a matter of tactical or strategic failure—this is a moral failure. The TPLF leadership was trusted with the security and welfare of the people of Tigray, but instead of protecting them, they ignored every credible warning. The consequences were catastrophic: tens of thousands killed, millions displaced, centuries-old cultural and religious institutions destroyed, and an entire region pushed to the brink of destruction.

Despite these catastrophic failures, Debretsion and his allies within the TPLF leadership continue to cling to power. Even after the Pretoria Peace Agreement, they have resisted calls for reform, transparency, and accountability. This splinter group has positioned itself as an obstacle to the genuine post-genocide recovery of Tigray, holding on to power despite overwhelming opposition from the people of Tigray and the younger generation who demand change.

Powerful Slogan: “Enough is Enough! #NoMore Debretsion! The People of Tigray Deserve Accountability, Not More Betrayal!”

Accountability for the TPLF Leadership
The TPLF leadership, particularly the splinter group under Debretsion Gebremichael, must be held accountable for their role in the political and humanitarian disaster that has befallen Tigray. Their incompetence, arrogance, and refusal to heed early warnings directly contributed to the genocidal war that devastated Tigray. While Debretsion and his allies were focused on their narrow political interests, the people of Tigray suffered untold horrors.

What makes this betrayal even more egregious is that Debretsion’s leadership continues to insist on its right to govern despite its catastrophic failures. This splinter group has shown time and again that it prioritizes its own survival over the well-being of the people. Their refusal to step aside, admit fault, or allow for genuine reform has only deepened the political crisis facing Tigray today.

The people of Tigray are demanding justice, reform, and new leadership that can guide the region through the challenging process of post-genocide recovery. Yet, Debretsion and his cronies have entrenched themselves in the political machinery, seeking to hold on to power despite the overwhelming evidence of their failures. The criminal splinter group must be removed if Tigray is to move forward.

Powerful Slogan: “Justice for Tigray! Hold Debretsion Accountable for His Failures and Betrayal!”

The Wisdom of Dr. Muauz Gidey Alemu: A Voice of Reason Ignored
While the TPLF leadership was failing the people of Tigray, figures like Dr. Muauz Gidey Alemu were tirelessly working to alert them to the dangers ahead. Dr. Muauz’s sophisticated and critical analysis of the security situation should have been the cornerstone of Tigray’s defense strategy. His deep understanding of the dynamics at play—both domestically and internationally—provided a clear roadmap for how Tigray could have averted or mitigated the genocidal war.

Dr. Muauz deserves recognition for his brilliant foresight and exceptional contributions to peace and security research. Had the TPLF leadership listened to voices like his, the outcome for Tigray could have been dramatically different. Instead, his warnings were dismissed, and the people of Tigray paid the ultimate price.

Powerful Slogan: “The Future Was Warned, but They Did Not Listen. Honor the Voices of Reason, Not the Failures of Power!”

Conclusion: The TPLF Leadership Has Failed, and Change Is Needed
The TPLF leadership, under Debretsion Gebremichael, failed the people of Tigray in their most critical hour of need. By ignoring credible warnings, failing to prepare for genocide, and continuing to resist change, they have proven themselves unfit to lead. Their actions, or lack thereof, directly contributed to the devastation that the people of Tigray experienced during the genocidal war.

Now, more than ever, Tigray needs leadership that is accountable, transparent, and capable of leading the region through its post-genocide recovery. The people of Tigray deserve justice, and they deserve leaders who will put their interests first, not cling to power at any cost. The criminal splinter group under Debretsion Gebremichael must go, and the voices of reason and reform—like Dr. Muauz Gidey Alemu—must be heeded if Tigray is to have a future.

Powerful Slogan: “Betrayed but Not Broken—Tigray Will Rise! Accountability, Justice, and New Leadership Now!”

This document not only critiques the failure of the TPLF leadership but also offers a path forward for Tigray by emphasizing accountability, justice, and the need for new, visionary leadership.

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