
Appeal to End Unjust Land Grab Lease Policy in Post-Genocide Tigray

Mekelle:  17 February 2024 (Tigray Herald)

By Yerga Yaecobe

Appeal to End Unjust Land Grab Lease Policy in Post-Genocide Tigray

We urgently call for an end to the unjust Land Grab Lease program in post-genocide Tigray. Over the past three decades, the regional government has excessively leased land through a misguided policy, violating citizens’ rights and causing severe socio-economic repercussions.

Despite claims of protecting citizens, the government’s unrestrained land administration has led to widespread corruption and exploitation. Many Tigrean citizens have lost their land without adequate compensation, resulting in transparency issues, social unrest, and economic hardship. The exorbitant prices of land deals further exacerbate the situation, forcing many into illegal migration or poverty.

Moreover, land has become a political tool, stifling dissent and perpetuating insecurity. A select few, including corrupt officials and illegal dealers, benefit from this system while the majority suffer.

In light of the ongoing siege and political instability, we urge the interim government of Tigray to immediately suspend and abolish the Land Grab Lease policy. This includes securing current landholding rights and halting any ongoing land lease processes until territorial integrity is restored and a permanent government is in place.

Furthermore, a comprehensive strategy must be devised to ensure equal land ownership rights, especially for the poor and youth. Past land leases should be investigated, and those responsible for manipulating prices held accountable.

We also demand the restoration of green areas, traditional sites, and the suspension of mining licenses that threaten the region’s heritage. These actions are imperative to prevent further human rights violations and learn from past mistakes.

This appeal is directed to all decision-makers, including President Getachw Reda and various institutions, political parties, civic organizations, media outlets, universities, religious institutions, and the Tigrayan diaspora community. It is time to prioritize the well-being and rights of the people of Tigray over unjust policies and corruption.

The call to end the unjust Land Grab Lease program in post-genocide Tigray is urgent and critical due to several reasons. Over the past three decades, the regional government has been leasing vast amounts of land through a flawed policy, denying citizens their rightful ownership. Despite claims of protecting citizens, the government’s actions have led to socio-economic vulnerabilities, including displacement, insecurity, and illegal migration. The exorbitant prices of land deals have worsened living conditions for many, pushing families into poverty. Furthermore, land has been politicized, stifling dissent and silencing voices of opposition. The involvement of corrupt officials and illegal dealers has exacerbated the situation, leading to security concerns. Amidst ongoing sieges and exploitation by greedy businessmen, the people of Tigray demand the interim government to suspend and abolish the land lease policy, ensure property rights, investigate past injustices, and restore green areas and cultural sites. Immediate action is necessary to rectify these human rights violations and prevent further harm to the people of Tigray.

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