
The brutal army of dictator Isaiah has prevented emergency humanitarian aid and medicines from reaching Tahtay Adiyabo woreda.

Mekelle፡25th January 2023(Tigray Heral)
The residents of Lower Adiyabo woreda in Northwest Tigray Zone have been exposed to a severe socio-economic crisis due to the lack of emergency humanitarian aid and fodder.

Although limited grain and medicines have started entering Tigray after the peace agreement, there is no grain and medicines reaching the residents of Tahtay Adiyabo woreda.

On top of that, the farmer’s crops have been taken away and destroyed by the invading army.

According to the Lower Adiyabo Woreda Administration, 76 residents, including 31 women, have died due to hunger and 60 people, including 28 women, have died due to lack of medical treatment in the past four months alone.

Over 75,000 residents in 13 stations of the woreda are facing food shortages, he said, adding that countless atrocities are being committed against them even after the peace agreement.

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