
General Tsadkan Gebretensae: Tigray’s National Hero, Africa’s Strategic Mastermind, and the Fear of the Failed Debretsion Clique

Mekelle፡ 29 September 2024 (Tigray Herald)

By Yerga Yaecobe
General Tsadkan Gebretensae: Tigray’s National Hero, Africa’s Strategic Mastermind, and the Fear of the Failed Debretsion Clique

“A Tigrayan Hero, An African Legend”
“The Man of Principles and Integrity: General Tsadkan”
“Tigray’s Pride, Africa’s Military Genius”
“A Leader Free of Corruption: The Voice of Tigray’s Future”
“Inferiority Fears Greatness: General Tsadkan Stands Tall”
General Tsadkan Gebretensae, born in the 1950s, is one of Tigray’s most revered figures and a military strategist of global renown. His decisive role in the 17-year armed struggle against the Derg regime and his unparalleled leadership have etched his name into Tigray’s history as a national hero. Unlike the tainted leadership of Debretsion Gebremichael and his faction within the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), General Tsadkan’s clean record, integrity, and strategic brilliance have earned him admiration both within Tigray and on the international stage.

However, with this well-earned respect comes the ire of the failed Debretsion-led TPLF clique. This faction, deeply entrenched in corruption, nepotism, and incompetence, views General Tsadkan’s achievements as a direct threat to their power. Their smear campaigns—often bolstered by biased outlets such as the hate-fueled Dedebit Media—reveal their deep-seated fear and envy.

Why does this failed faction target General Tsadkan? The answer lies in their corruption, intellectual inferiority, and fear of exposure. This document explores the roots of their disdain and sheds light on why General Tsadkan represents hope for Tigray’s future, while the Debretsion clique embodies a relic of a failed and damaging past.

  1. A Man of Integrity in a Sea of Corruption
    One of the core reasons for the Debretsion clique’s relentless attacks on General Tsadkan is his unwavering integrity. In contrast to their rampant corruption and nepotism, Tsadkan is known for his transparency and adherence to ethical principles. While the Debretsion faction misuses state resources for personal gain, Tsadkan’s impeccable record stands as a threat to their corrupt practices. His ethical leadership exposes their malfeasance and delegitimizes their rule in the eyes of the Tigrayan people.

Slogan: “In a world of corruption, General Tsadkan stands as the last beacon of integrity.”

  1. Intellectual Incompatibility and Strategic Fear
    Another source of animosity from the Debretsion clique stems from their inability to compete with General Tsadkan’s intellectual and strategic capabilities. Widely regarded as one of Africa’s foremost military minds, Tsadkan’s understanding of security, diplomacy, and geopolitics is unparalleled. His contributions to Tigray’s defense during both the anti-Derg struggle and the more recent Tigray War underscore his exceptional military acumen.

In stark contrast, the Debretsion faction has consistently demonstrated a lack of strategic foresight. Their failure to prepare for and manage the genocidal war against Tigray has been catastrophic. Their resentment toward Tsadkan arises from their recognition that they cannot match his intellect, vision, or leadership.

Slogan: “Brilliance breeds envy: General Tsadkan’s unmatched intellect casts a long shadow over TPLF’s failed leadership.”

  1. General Tsadkan’s International Respect
    General Tsadkan’s military expertise and geopolitical insights have earned him international respect. His ability to engage with global leaders and his recognition as a world-class strategist have set him apart. In contrast, the Debretsion clique is seen as corrupt and ineffective, unable to foster meaningful diplomatic relations.

This stark contrast in international standing fuels the Debretsion faction’s animosity toward General Tsadkan. While Tsadkan champions governance, transparency, and international cooperation, the Debretsion clique clings to a self-serving, myopic rule that alienates both domestic and international stakeholders.

Slogan: “While Tsadkan earns global respect, Debretsion’s clique sinks into irrelevance.”

  1. Loved by Tigrayans, Feared by Failed Leaders
    General Tsadkan’s deep popularity among the Tigrayan people further intensifies the Debretsion clique’s hatred. His unwavering dedication to Tigray’s cause and his leadership during the region’s darkest hours have made him a beloved figure. Meanwhile, the Debretsion group has lost the people’s trust due to their catastrophic failures in leadership, particularly in their mishandling of the war and its aftermath.

Tsadkan’s military expertise and moral leadership have earned him widespread admiration, while the Debretsion clique is seen as a symbol of failure and betrayal. Tsadkan represents hope and progress, while the Debretsion faction clings to a past that Tigrayans are eager to move beyond.

Slogan: “While the people love Tsadkan, they reject the failures of the past.”

  1. A Man Who Knows Too Much
    General Tsadkan’s intimate knowledge of the TPLF’s inner workings, gained from his leadership during the anti-Derg struggle, makes him a formidable threat to the Debretsion clique. He is well aware of their corruption, nepotism, and political failures, and his integrity prevents him from remaining silent. The Debretsion group fears that Tsadkan’s exposure of their wrongdoings will dismantle their power structure.

Their hatred is driven by the fear that Tsadkan’s deep understanding of their incompetence and corruption will lead to their eventual accountability. His knowledge of their internal failings, combined with his reputation for integrity, has made him their greatest adversary.

Slogan: “Tsadkan knows the truth, and the corrupt leaders fear it.”

General Tsadkan Gebretensae is a symbol of hope, integrity, and strategic brilliance for Tigray. His military expertise, ethical leadership, and deep understanding of geopolitics position him as a formidable force on the African stage. In contrast, the Debretsion Gebremichael clique clings to power through corruption, incompetence, and nepotism, fearing exposure and accountability.

Despite their smear campaigns, General Tsadkan remains a national hero and a beacon of what Tigray can achieve—a strong, respected, and united region led by those who truly care for its future.

Slogan: “A hero today, a leader for tomorrow: General Tsadkan, Tigray’s future in the making.”

Our Great Tigrayan Hero General Tsadkan, we thank you for your lifetime of service to Tigray.

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