
The ICT services office of Ayder CHS-CSH delivered a six-day training

Mekelle፡ 21 September 2023(Tigray Herald)

The ICT services office of Ayder CHS-CSH in collaboration with Jhpiego, and Amref Health Ethiopia organized and delivered a six-day training

The ICT services office of Ayder CHS-CSH in collaboration with Jhpiego, and Amref Health Ethiopia organized and delivered  a six-day(August 28 to September 2, 2023) training titled “E-Learning and Instructional Design” on developing effective and efficient learning interventions for e-learning course design and development. There were a total of 26 participants from seven schools and three departments who participated in the training.

The goal of this training was to provide participants with a conceptual understanding of all necessary knowledge, attitudes, and skills required to design and develop e-learning courses in their respective disciplines, as well as practical experience and feedback in key instructional design skills and to think critically about desired performance, writing learning objectives, eliminating nice to know” information, creating effective and efficient learning interventions, and critically selecting on.

The training methodology was interactive, as the trainers ensured that knowledge was not only disseminated but accurately perceived and understood by the participants. And in order to ensure this, trainers engaged participants in discussions and kept the forum open for feedback, queries, and suggestions. These discussions and interactive sessions were supported through training online course material such as e-learning course design and development, instructional design course materials, and PowerPoint presentations.

In this session, participants were introduced to the core concepts of e-learning course development. The discussion revolved around e-learning course development and the role of e-learning in creating quality education. Participants were engaged in individual work where all participants were assigned to develop e-learning material for a selected sample course.

Participants were also asked to deliver their findings and answers through presentations. Participants successfully delivered the presentations, which were followed by a detailed discussion for further clarity on the subject matter. Through this interactive session, it was showcased that participatory approaches achieve sustainability and efficacy in the e-learning course material development process.

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