To the political party leaders, TIRA officials & so-called activist:
Mekelle፡ 02 October 2023(Tigray Herald)
To the political party leaders, TIRA officials & so-called activist:
Please check your egos at the door of political engagement & resistance, & remember that our wellbeing is always connected to the wellbeing of the whole. Otherwise, you will end up speaking out of turn, saying things you shouldn’t, making decisions you shouldn’t, therfore becoming hindrances to, instead of help for a movement which is near and dear to all of us.
A useful contribution is to point out how it could be done better, not to fall back on the old, tired, overly familiar ways of playing politics.
To ensure the safety & security of the people we all love, Concerned Tegaru should advocate forTIRA to be more inclusive. Time is against Tigray!
We all are in this together!!!