
Urgent Appeal for the Protection of Debre Damo Monastery and the Preservation of Tigray’s Religious Heritage

Mekelle፡ October 7,2024 (Tigray Herald)

Subject: Urgent Appeal for the Protection of Debre Damo Monastery and the Preservation of Tigray’s Religious Heritage

His Excellency Atsbha Geberegziabher (PhD)
Head of Tigray Tourism and Culture Bureau
Mekelle, Tigray Region

Your Excellency,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern and make an urgent appeal regarding the current developments at the ancient Monastery of Debre Damo, one of Tigray’s most cherished religious and cultural heritage sites. As a spiritual sanctuary founded by Abuna Aregawi in the 6th century, Debre Damo stands as a profound symbol of Tigray’s rich religious heritage and cultural identity.

First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge and commend your leadership as Head of the Tigray Tourism and Culture Bureau. Under your stewardship, significant progress has been made in promoting and safeguarding Tigray’s cultural legacy, and your efforts to elevate Tigray’s historical significance are truly admirable. Your dedication is an inspiration to all those invested in the preservation of our collective heritage.

However, I am deeply alarmed by the recent actions undertaken by the monastery’s administration to initiate the construction of a new church within the historic complex, without consultation with the local Christian community or heritage experts. These unilateral decisions not only threaten the integrity of the monastery but also jeopardize the ancient traditions that define its spiritual essence. Particularly concerning is the removal of the sacred ritual involving the use of the traditional ox-skin rope to ascend the 24-meter cliff—a ritual that is both a physical and spiritual pilgrimage. Replacing this sacred tradition with modern mechanisms such as lifts and escalators would irreparably alter the character of Debre Damo.

Debre Damo is much more than a religious site; it is a living monument to the endurance of Tigray’s faith and culture, having withstood centuries of invasions, wars, and natural disasters. The ongoing construction threatens not only the site’s historical integrity but also its profound spiritual significance. Any alterations that undermine its original structure or practices are an affront to the Tigrayan people’s cultural and religious heritage.

Moreover, this issue is not only of local importance but has global ramifications. Debre Damo has been identified as a candidate for UNESCO World Heritage status, a recognition that your office has actively supported. Unauthorized changes or alterations could jeopardize this process and disqualify the monastery from receiving this prestigious recognition. Achieving UNESCO World Heritage status would not only honor the Tigrayan people but also commit to preserving one of the world’s oldest Christian monasteries for humanity.

In light of these concerns, I respectfully urge Your Excellency to take immediate action on the following:

Immediate Suspension of Unauthorized Construction: The construction of the new church building within the monastery complex must be halted immediately. This project has not received approval from heritage experts and risks undermining Debre Damo’s historical and spiritual value.

Protection of the Ancient Climbing Tradition: The tradition of ascending the 24-meter cliff using the ox-skin rope should be preserved. This sacred ritual is integral to the identity of Debre Damo and must not be replaced by modern alternatives that diminish its cultural significance.

Advancement of the UNESCO World Heritage Application: I urge your office to continue championing the recognition of Debre Damo as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Such recognition would protect the monastery from future unauthorized alterations and highlight its global importance.

Engagement of Local Communities and Heritage Experts: All decisions regarding the monastery should involve local Christian communities and heritage experts. Their involvement will ensure that any future developments are made with respect to the monastery’s historical and religious integrity.

Involvement of the Tigray Orthodox Church and Media: We call on the Meneber Selama Kesate Birehan of the Aksum-Tigray Orthodox Church to intervene, halting unauthorized construction and safeguarding ancient traditions. We also urge the Tigray media and church-focused outlets to raise awareness of this issue, rallying the public to defend our shared heritage.

Debre Damo is not merely a religious site; it is a national symbol of endurance, faith, and cultural pride. As Tigrayans, it is our collective duty to ensure its protection for future generations. The challenges of preservation are numerous, but with your proven leadership and commitment to safeguarding Tigray’s heritage, I am confident we can meet them.

In conclusion, I trust that under your esteemed leadership, these urgent concerns will be addressed with the gravity they deserve. The preservation of Debre Damo is a matter of both religious and national significance, and your swift action will secure this invaluable legacy for generations to come.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to seeing the necessary steps taken to protect Debre Damo’s enduring legacy.

Yerega Yacobe
Member, Tigrayan Human Rights Advocacy in Europe.

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