
Psychological Insights from Barakhe Show Interview with Tertaraw and Teklit: Leadership Traits and Defensive Behaviour

Mekelle:  24 February 2024 (Tigray Herald)

By Zema Tigray

Psychological Insights from Barakhe Show Interview with Tertaraw and Teklit: Leadership Traits and Defensive Behaviour

Emotional intelligence, curiosity, and integrity are among vital leadership traits. They foster trust, facilitate dynamic conversations, and ensure ethical conduct. In communications, community meetings and TV interviews, they drive rapport with guests, stimulate insightful discussions, and uphold journalistic integrity, enhancing credibility and influence for leaders, guests/panellists and hosts. These psychological traits could indicate leadership competence, merit, and social integrity.

Based on my psychological observations from the interview on Brake Show, it appears that the interviewee, m८० (Tertaraw), exhibited cognitive biases, particularly a pronounced confirmation bias, wherein he sought out information that aligned with his pre-existing beliefs about the TPLF. This bias likely contributed to his defensive reactions when presented with evidence that contradicted his beliefs by the presenter, Medhin (००५ १८५), or Teklit (+れんने १८कते). This defensive behaviour suggests the presence of the backfire effect, wherein individuals react defensively when faced with evidence contrary to their beliefs.

An additional indicator of Tertaraw’s defensive mindset was his initial choice to wear the orange scarf at the beginning of the show. As the discussion progressed, particularly around the 59-minute mark, Tertaraw’s rising body temperature may have prompted him to remove the scarf, symbolizing a physical manifestation of his increasing defensiveness.

Moreover, Tertaraw’s occasional voice raising during the interview suggests emotional reactivity to challenging facts, further reinforcing his defensive stance.

Furthermore, Tertaraw’s circling back to certain ideas, as evidenced by his explanation around the 1:25:47 mark of the video, appears to confirm the presence of the sunk-cost fallacy theory, wherein individuals persist in their beliefs or behaviours despite evidence suggesting otherwise.

Additionally, what was noticeably absent in Tertaraw’s demeanour was a demonstration of emotional intelligence and curiosity, which the show host, Medhin, and the panellist, Teklit, starkly contrasted. This was evident in their facial expressions during some of Tertaraw’s responses and explanations and in their manner of questioning and engaging with the discussion. Medhin and Teklit appeared attentive and receptive, displaying genuine curiosity and openness to different perspectives. At the same time, Tertaraw seemed closed-off and defensive, lacking the emotional intelligence to navigate the conversation with empathy and understanding.

In summary, Tertaraw’s defensive behaviour, cognitive biases such as confirmation bias and the sunk-cost fallacy, emotional reactivity, lack of emotional intelligence and physical cues such as removing the scarf collectively indicate a hostile psychological disposition when Tertaraw’s thinking was challenged during the interview.

“It is inspiring to blend diverse ideas and perspectives, fostering understanding, promoting growth, and nurturing respect. Embracing diverse viewpoints cultivates empathy and unity, laying the foundation for positive change and collective progress.”

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